Flat Menno
Flat Menno travels across Ohio Conference in his quest to learn what Ohio Conference congregations are doing.
Flat Menno goes to Bible School at Inlet Mennonite Church
Flat Menno recently spent time visiting Inlet Mennonite Church in Wauseon. He especially enjoyed participating in Bible School. While at Inlet, Flat Menno also helped with a work project. Flat Menno also spent time visiting with people at Inlet.
Flat Menno visits Tedrow Mennonite
Flat Menno enjoyed spending some time with the Tedrow Mennonite Church Family recently. Flat Menno enjoyed celebrating at Brandon (holding Flat Menno) and Evan’s birthday party at MYF one night. He sneaked into the church office to have some fun as he copied himself on the copy machine. Flat Menno enjoyed playing games and visiting with some of the older…
Good Shepherd Mennonite hosts Flat Menno
Flat Menno recently spent time at Good Shepherd Mennonite Church in Archbold. Flat Menno was introduced to the congregation, and they were exited to hear how he has been visiting different Mennonite churches and has been impressed with what he has witnessed. Praise the Lord! Earlier, before Flat Menno’s visit, the church hosted a women’s gathering on Saturday, Oct. 25, 2014. They had…
Flat Menno visits Pine Grove Mennonite
Is there anyone more fortunate than Flat Menno? Recently when Flat Menno traveled up to the northwest corner of Ohio to visit Pine Grove Mennonite Church in Stryker, he discovered he had the opportunity to visit not one but two congregations! Flat Menno just happened to be present on the very day that Pine Grove Mennonite and Good Shepherd Mennonite…
Sharon Mennonite welcomes Flat Menno
Flat Menno received a warm welcome when he visited Sharon Mennonite Church in Plain City. He participated in service projects, enjoyed meeting the youth and even assisted the pastor in sermon preparation! Flat Menno joined the youth group in making “yarn” out of plastic bags that will be crocheted into sleeping mats for the homeless. Flat Menno helped to…
Flat Menno meets children and youth at Lockport
While at Lockport Mennonite Church in Stryker, Ohio, Flat Menno had the chance to meet with some of the children and youth of the congregation. During Lent, Lockport is using worship materials based on the magazine Leader, following the theme “Upside Down and Inside Out.” Each week during children’s time, the children are invited to learn more about different ways…
North Lima Mennonite welcomes Flat Menno
Despite the cold February weather, Flat Menno found a warm welcome at North Lima Mennonite Church in Columbiana County. He spent some time participating in congregational life. While at North Lima, Flat Menno helps prepare Valentine boxes for college students. Flat Menno helps to get things ready for the monthly breakfast buffet. Flat Menno joins Pastor Bob Wengerd at…
Zion Mennonite hosts Flat Menno
Flat Menno traveled to Archbold to spend some time with the members of Zion Mennonite Church. He found a warm welcome there. Flat Menno was able to meet participants in Zion Mennonite’s LOGOS children’s program. LOGOS is an intergenerational program dedicated to the breaking of bread, bible study, fun, and worship. It is enjoyed by children from throughout the community.…
Flat Menno Visits LifeBridge North in Strasburg
Flat Menno recently traveled to Tuscarawas County, Ohio, and spent time in Strasburg, getting to know the LifeBridge North congregation. Flat Menno joins a Wednesday night community Bible Study that is led by LifeBridge North’s Mike Mast. One of the younger members of LifeBridge North says “hi” to Flat Menno. Flat Menno joins pastor Jason Rissler making espresso at…
Flat Menno enjoys movie at Pleasant View
Flat Menno has been spotted again! This time he was seen visiting Pleasant View Mennonite Church in North Lawrence. The congregation recently showed the movie God’s Not Dead as a free event for the community. In the picture above, Flat Menno is welcoming all for food, fellowship and a great movie. If your congregation would like to host Flat Menno,…
West Clinton welcomes Flat Menno
Flat Menno’s first stop at West Clinton was the Monday night Ladies’ Bible Study. Clockwise from upper left are Darlene Rufenacht, Deb Short, Naomi Engle, Joyclyn Nafziger, Terri Rufenacht, Flat Menno and Lori King. Photo by Pam Graber. Reported by Pam Graber Flat Menno arrived at West Clinton on a snowy, blustery weekend and spent the weekend trying to keep…
Flat Menno helps at Crown Hill food pantry
We haven’t seen much of Flat Menno in a long time, but recently, he stopped in at Crown Hill Mennonite Church in Rittman. He spent some time at the food pantry at Crown Hill, seeing how the congregation is meeting needs of people in the community.
Flat Menno visits Pennsylvania
Flat Menno’s travels took him to western Pennsylvania, where he was able to meet the members of Maple Grove Mennonite Church. The Maple Grove congregation is active in the local community. During the first weekend in September, New Wilmington held a 150th year celebration, and several people from Maple Grove helped with the Saturday afternoon games for the children. Several…
Flat Menno visits the Plain City Free Clinic
When Flat Menno visited Cornerstone Mennonite Fellowship in Plain City, he went to the Plain City Free Clinic. The clinic was started by retired pharmacist Charles Holcombe, a member of Cornerstone, and a local doctor, Dr. John Adams. Flat Menno also spent some time at a community outreach event called Be the Church Sunday which members of Cornerstone participates in.…
Wooster Mennonite enjoys hosting Flat Menno
Wooster Mennonite has been so blessed by the presence of Flat Menno these past few weeks. He attended the congregation’s outdoor worship service at Kidron Park on Aug. 11 and joined them in receiving four new members. He also visited the women’s sewing group where he learned about their quilting and service projects. In addition, he attended an elder leadership team meeting where he entered…
Flat Menno visits Orrville Mennonite
When Flat Menno visited Orrville Mennonite Church this summer, he went to Camp Luz, participated in Bible School, went on a mission trip, and was able to meet lots of people. WINGS (Walking in God’s Strength), an elementary age outreach ministry has a yearly retreat at Camp Luz. On the Sunday morning of the retreat, Orrville Mennonite holds its…
Flat Menno visits Peace Mennonite
Flat Menno visited Peace Mennonite Church in Elyria during June and the beginning of July. While at Peace Mennonite, he was even able to do some gardening! Flat Menno took part in the church’s worship planning committee meeting with Mae Logan, Edna Troyer, Pastor Adam Houser and Patty Thompson. Flat Menno enjoys leading from Hymnal: A Worship Book. …
Flat Menno travels to Pennsylvania, visits Beaverdam Mennonite
Flat Menno decided it was time to travel to Pennsylvania. He went to Corry, Pa., to visit the congregation at Beaverdam Mennonite Church. While there, he spent time with a variety of people and even helped with some of the renovations going on at the parsonage in preparation for the new pastor and his family, who will be coming to…
Flat Menno witnesses baptisms, attends Bible School at Beech
Flat Menno came to Beech Mennonite Church in Louisville just in time to witness baptisms on Sunday, May 26. He spent time with the congregation for the next few weeks, and was able to attend Vacation Bible School June 10-13 as well. Flat Menno checks out the baptismal font. During the children’s time in the worship service, Flat…
Flat Menno explores downtown Canton
When Flat Menno visited First Mennonite Church in Canton, he joined the youth group on a trip to downtown Canton. He also spent some time visiting the church. Flat Menno rode along with the First Mennonite youth group on a trip to downtown Canton. The group hit one of the local coffee shops, where Flat Menno had way too…
Moorhead Mennonite celebrates 48th anniversary during Flat Menno’s visit
Flat Menno recently traveled to Moorhead Mennonite Church in Shreve and spent some time there. He was present during the 48th anniversary celebration of the church’s first service on May 5. Flat Menno enjoyed food during the fellowship meal following the worship service. Flat Menno met four members of Moorhead who were present on May 5, 1965, for the…
Dayspring sends Flat Menno to camp!
When Flat Menno visited Dayspring Christian Fellowship, he soon found himself on the way to camp! After spending some time learning more about Dayspring, Flat Menno traveled to Camp Luz with Andrew Michaels, a member of Dayspring who also is executive director of Camp Luz. Flat Menno helped fill orders from Dayspring’s food pantry. Sue Bruce is one of Dayspring’s…
Flat Menno keeps busy at South Union Mennonite
In the few days that Flat Menno was at South Union Mennonite Church in West Liberty, he was able to join the team working in the food pantry, help in the preparation of a bereavement dinner, and try his hand at quilting and cardmaking with the Mennonite Women Service and Fellowship. (He was also extremely pleased to be able to join the women for their…
Flat Menno enjoys fellowship meals at Walnut Creek Mennonite
Flat Menno enjoyed meeting a few of the people at Walnut Creek Mennonite Church at their Wednesday evening fellowship meals. The congregation has been holding Wednesday evening fellowship meals for the past several years. People of all ages gather and enjoy a meal with wonderful fellowship before attending the activity of choice on Wednesday evenings. Bill and Eva Keim, Mary…
Flat Menno is involved in service at Maple Grove
Flat Menno enjoyed his time visiting at Maple Grove Mennonite Church in Hartville. He was able to be involved in several service opportunities, and he even got to take a trip to Alabama! Flat Menno traveled to Alabama with Perry Miller and Dan Dutcher to see the house that volunteers from Maple Grove and Hartville Mennonite Church built for Tomekia McElrath and her…
Flat Menno worships at Emmanuel Mennonite
Flat Menno enjoyed worshiping with the congregation at Emmanuel Mennonite Church in Monclova. Everyone also enjoyed cookies in a time of fellowship following the worship service. Flat Menno also went along to a nursing center where two members of the Emmanuel congregation hold weekly devotional meetings. The women from Emmanuel are Bonnie Heminger and Jane Smith. …
Flat Menno visits Sunday school classes at Salem in Wooster
When Flat Menno visited Salem Mennonite Church in Wooster, he was introduced to many of the Sunday school classes, so he got to meet many different people! Flat Menno becomes part of the human pyramid in the Youth Sunday School class. The Gilberto Gonzales family gives Flat Menno a warm welcome. Flat Menno visits during snack time with…
Jubilee Mennonite welcomes Flat Menno
Jubilee Mennonite Church in Bellefontaine welcomed Flat Menno when he visited recently. He met quite a few people and even was able to observe the semi-annual blood drive. Flat Menno joined Jubilee’s leadership for a meeting. He is pictured with Chairman Ken Miller and Leadership member Oralea Pittman. Rachel Miller Moreland introduces Flat Menno to the home school Spanish…
Flat Menno observes Ash Wedneday at Hartville Mennonite
Flat Menno traveled to Hartville Mennonite Church and arrived in time for the special Ash Wednesday worship service. He also learned about a service project and heard discussion about possibilities for a new youth center. Flat Menno helps to get ready for the Ash Wednesday worship service. Flat Menno gets stuffed animals ready to take to Agora in Columbus.…
Longenecker Mennonite welcomes Flat Menno
Flat Menno found lots of activity when he stopped in to visit Longenecker Mennonite Church in Winesburg. He was able to take part in the gym night for youth and young adults. He also was able to see the church’s dinner theater production. Flat Menno saw Leroy Kuhns and Bruce Raber participating at gym night. Flat Menno watched the basketball…