Flat Menno’s first stop at West Clinton was the Monday night Ladies’ Bible Study. Clockwise from upper left are Darlene
Rufenacht, Deb Short, Naomi Engle, Joyclyn Nafziger, Terri Rufenacht, Flat Menno and Lori King. Photo by Pam Graber.

Reported by Pam Graber
Flat Menno arrived at West Clinton on a snowy, blustery
weekend and spent the weekend trying to keep warm in the mailbox.
Unfortunately, sometime before the secretary rescued him on Monday morning, the
mailbox door blew open allowing snow and rain to pile up on his envelope. It
took most of Monday to thaw him out, but he was raring to go in the evening. He
was the only male in attendance at the Monday evening Ladies Bible study where
the ladies are reading Move On! by
Vicki Courtney. He listened in on the discussion and enjoyed the fellowship.


Wednesday of that week, Menno was given a quilting lesson at
the monthly Mennonite Women meeting. He decided that he would leave that
activity to the experts and just enjoy the carry-in meal that was served.


Sunday was a big day of activities for Menno to participate
in. He attended morning worship and was introduced to the congregation during
the service. Since he arrived on a Sunday when a potluck was planned, the
congregation did their best to turn him into FAT Menno instead of Flat Menno,
but Menno remained his svelte self by making wise food choices. Menno then
attended the afternoon congregational meeting where the congregation members
indicated their different views on homosexuality and talked about ways to share
God’s love with those they disagree with.


Menno was very excited to be a part of the Sunday afternoon
area quiz meet held at Eastland Baptist Church. West Clinton’s team, “Dogs
Under the Table,” took second place at the meet with Menno serving as their fifth
person. The team was a bit disappointed that Menno did not buzz in to answer
any questions. “We thought that a guy named Menno would be more read up on his
Bible than he seemed to be,” said one of the team coaches.


On Wednesday of his final week with West Clinton, Menno
again attended a meal. The MYF had their annual Manhunt reward meal. Each fall
either the guys or the girls find a group hiding place and the other group is
charged with finding them in a set amount of time. Whichever group loses is
then in charge of the reward meal. This year, the girls lost, so the guys
received a meal prepared by the girls. Menno was a bit relieved that it worked
out that way because he’s all thumbs in the kitchen.

learned the finer points of making a baby quilt from Shirley Short, left, and
Evelyn Wyse, right. Photo by Pam Graber.
West Clinton’s Quiz Team, “Dogs
Under the Table,” (Mark 7:28) show their team spirit by eating bread crusts
under the table before their Sunday afternoon meet. Team members are, from
left, Kelly Miller, Dana Voll, Flat Menno, Tessa Waidelich and Elizabeth
Photo by Sherri Waidelich.



“Dogs Under the Table,” West
Clinton’s Bible Quiz team, shows off their second place traveling
trophy and the gift certificate they won for Team Spirit day at the Jan. 18
quiz meet. Shown are (left-right) Elizabeth Miller, Flat Menno, Tessa Waidelich, Kelly
Miller and Dana Voll. Photo by Sherri Waidelich.


Emily Short shared part of her lunch
at Sunday’s church potluck with Menno. In spite of her best efforts, he
remained Flat Menno (not Fat Menno.) Photo by Pam Graber.