Engaging Mission 2020
Please note: Due to the uncertainty about when restrictions will be lifted for public gatherings, the Ohio Conference Leadership Team has decided to cancel this event.
Ohio Conference will hold a missional festival, Engaging Mission 2020, at Bluffton University June 26-28, 2020. This event will be for people of all ages, including family groups. The festival will provide an introduction to missional living where participants will be challenged to create space for mission in their lives.
Participants will enjoy worship led by Huber Mennonite’s worship team and input by Seth and Theresa Crissman from Virginia Mennonite Missions, along with various breakout opportunities including discussion, service and neighborhood related activities. This will be a bilingual event in both Spanish and English.
For more information about Seth and Theresa Crissman, see http://bit.ly/VMMCrissmans.
Please see the event brochure for more information: Engaging Mission 2020 Brochure.
Engaging Mission 2020 es un fin de semana diseñado a darles a los participantes una introducción a llevar una vida misionera donde se retarán a crear espacio por la misión en sus vidas diarias. Los participantes disfrutarán de alabanza dirigida por el equipo de alabanza de la iglesia de Huber Mennonite, sesiones por Seth and Theresa Crissman de Virginia Mennonite Missions, además de varias oportunidades de sesiones divididas de discusión, servicio y actividades relatadas al vecindario. Este evento será bilingüe, en español e inglés.
Engaging Mission 2020 – Folleto