
Please help cover ACA in prayer
Ohio Conference’s Annual Conference Assembly (ACA) is quickly approaching on March 1-2, 2024. Even if you are not attending ACA, you can still participate! We invite you to sign up to help cover all of ACA in prayer. We are looking for willing individuals to commit to praying 20 minutes during the ACA weekend. You can do this from anywhere…
CommonWord offers resources for Lent
This year Lent begins Feb. 14. If you are looking for new Lenten resources, check out the website for CommonWord, a collaboration of Mennonite Church Canada and Canadian Mennonite University. In preparation for Lent, CommonWord has curated a collection of resources for this season of the church year. Included in the collection are books, songs, and worship resources such as…
Mennonite World Conference to hold Online Prayer Hour Nov. 17
Mennonite World Conference invites you to join the Anabaptist-Mennonite family at Online Prayer Hour, a Zoom prayer call, on Friday, Nov. 17, at 9 a.m. EST. There will be breakout rooms with a prayer leader in several languages. Please register in advance at

Please remember us in prayer this summer
Please keep Ohio Conference, our congregations and pastors in your prayers throughout the summer. If you would like a prayer request added, please contact Ann Leaman at, Conference Minister Dick Barrett at, or Regional Pastor Tony Doehrmann at Please remember these requests during your prayer times: — Ohio Conference as we continue to discern God’s future vision…
MWC plans online prayer hour
Mennonite World Conference will hold an online prayer hour on Friday, May 19, at 10 a.m. ET. There will be breakout rooms with a prayer leader in several languages. To register, go to

Help cover ACA in prayer
Ohio Conference’s Annual Conference Assembly (ACA) is quickly approaching on March 3-4, 2023. Even if you are not attending ACA, you can still participate! We invite you to sign up to help cover all of ACA in prayer. We are looking for willing individuals to commit to praying 20 minutes during the ACA weekend. You can do this from anywhere…

Please join us in prayer on Wednesdays
Please join us each Wednesday at noon for a time of communal prayer on Zoom. We will be using Take Our Moments and Our Days: An Anabaptist Prayer Book as the resource for our time together. To participate, you can use either the prayer book or the app of the same name, available at The login link for these…

Please join us in prayer on Wednesdays
As a spiritual practice during this time of discernment for the Ohio Conference, we are committing to pray together as a Conference. Please join us each Wednesday at noon for a time of communal prayer on Zoom. We will be using Take Our Moments and Our Days: An Anabaptist Prayer Book as the resource for our time together. To participate…

Praying Together as a Conference
In this episode of the Ohio Conference Cast, Assistant Moderator Paula Snyder Belousek and Regional Pastor Sherah-Leigh Gerber introduce listeners to the Conference-wide prayer times planned for this fall. All are invited to take part in these prayer times, which will be held on Zoom on Wednesdays at noon, starting Sept. 14. We will be using Take Our Moments and Our…

Starting this fall: Please join us each Wednesday for prayer
One of the opportunities to practice our faith together, growing out of our commitments from the most recent Annual Conference Assembly gathering, is to join in a collaborative prayer practice this fall. We will meet on Zoom from noon to 12:30 p.m. on Wednesdays, beginning Sept. 14 through Nov. 23, using Take Our Moments and Our Days: An Anabaptist Prayer Book,…

Please join us in prayer
Times of Prayer and Fasting for Ohio Conference’s Year of Review and the MC USA Delegate Assembly As we have recently begun our Year of Review working with a process consultant and with the upcoming Mennonite Church USA Delegate Assembly scheduled for May 27-30, 2022, it is very important that we are grounded in the spiritual disciplines as we try…

Prayer requested for delegate assembly
Mennonite Church USA (MC USA) has created a prayer guide and a sign up for congregations to commit to pray for the denomination’s special delegate session, which will be held May 27-30 in Kansas City, Missouri.
The prayer guide, “One Body, One Church,” is written by Leo Hartshorn. A copy is available here: 2022-Delegate-Assembly-Prayer-Guide. This guide is designed for use by all delegates, congregations, and individuals during the special delegate session May 27-30.
MC USA is inviting all congregations to commit to praying for the delegate assembly. To make this commitment, complete the form found at
For more information about the special delegate session, see

Hope Series offers online prayer, more
Mennonite Mission Network is offering a new digital ministry called the Hope Series. The series includes prayer gatherings which are live streamed on Facebook Monday-Saturday at 1 p.m., as well as devotional times and opportunities for group interactions. To learn more about the Hope Series, see

A time for prayer
We find ourselves in a time of great divisiveness, both in America and in many places around the world. We find ourselves in a time where the United States and Iran are on the brink of war. This is a time for us Christians to unite and pray for peace: “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but…

Prayer volunteers sought
Prayer volunteers needed: The Ohio Conference Ministry Development Team has affirmed Growing Visible Kingdom Communities (formerly known as church planting) as a priority. An initial conversation for interested people has been scheduled for Oct. 15, 2019, at the Ohio Conference Office in Kidron from 1 to 3 p.m. If you feel led to help provide prayer support for this conversation, please…

MC USA shares a call to prayer and action
Mennonite Church USA has shared a call to prayer and action in response to gun violence following the mass shootings in Gilroy, California; El Paso, Texas; and Dayton, Ohio. Along with a prayer of lament for the lives lost, the statement includes a list of suggested action items for churches and links to resources from Mennonite Central Committee and RAWtools.…
Central Mennonite’s Prayer Path is missing
Update: Central Mennonite Church’s Prayer Path has been found. Central Mennonite Church in Archbold is looking for its Prayer Path. Have you seen it? It is a labyrinth of sorts painted on fabric. When last seen, it was folded and in a fairly large box. If you have any information concerning the Prayer Path’s whereabouts, please contact Alysa Short at

Please pray for conference minister interview process
The Conference Minister Search Committee has scheduled its first round of interviews for Monday and Tuesday, July 30 and 31. Please pray for the candidates and the search committee as they seek God’s guidance in this process. — Bob Sauder, Ohio Conference moderator
Prayer requested for conference minister search
On Monday, July 9, the Conference Minister Search Committee met to review candidates who have applied for the position. The Committee plans to set up a first round of interviews for late July and early August. Please be in prayer for the candidates and the search committee during this process.
Please join us in prayer this Saturday
Unite for the Search: Online Prayer Meeting. Please join us as we unite in prayer for the search for a new conference minister. Using the GoToMeeting Web conferencing program, we’ll connect on Saturday, July 7, from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Please use the information below for logging in to the online meeting: Prayer Time – Conference Minister Search Saturday, July…
Online prayer session set for May 31
Unite For The Search: Online Meetings for Prayer. Please join us as we unite in prayer for the search for a new conference minister for the Ohio Conference. Using the GoToMeeting Web conferencing program, we’ll connect on Thursday, May 31, from 11 a.m. to noon. Please use the information below for logging in to the online meeting: Prayer Time –…
Love is a Verb: Spiritual practices resource explores MC USA convention theme
Mennonite Church USA —The Mennonite Church USA Executive Board staff has released a year-long spiritual practices resource that explores the 2017 convention theme Love is a Verb through the lens of Richard Foster’s six spiritual streams. The resource is intended for use by delegates, youth groups, presenters, planners and other convention attendees from July 2016 through June 2017. Leo Hartshorn…
Conference prayer session set for Jan. 28
The Ohio Conference Leadership Team is committed to focusing on prayer for the Conference. As part of this emphasis on prayer, the Leadership Team has planned a “GoToMeeting Prayer Session” for Thursday, Jan. 28, from noon to 12:45 p.m. EST. Everyone is invited to join the Leadership Team in prayer at that time. If you would like to join the…
Prayer session is planned for Dec. 17
The Ohio Conference Leadership Team is committed to focusing on prayer for the Conference. (See the Leadership Team’s statement for additional information.) As part of this emphasis on prayer, the Leadership Team has planned a “GoToMeeting Prayer Session” for Thursday, Dec. 17, from 12 noon to 1p.m. EST. Everyone is invited to join the Leadership Team in prayer at that…
Leadership Team reflects on year so far, commits to focus on prayer
The Ohio Conference Leadership Team met on Tuesday, Nov. 17. As a conference we are about three quarters of the way through our calendar year, and Annual Conference Assembly (ACA) begins to appear closer on the horizon. In the months since the last ACA, LT has attempted to work faithfully to lead and to listen to Ohio Conference. At the Nov. 17 meeting…
Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi
Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; Where there is injury, pardon; Where there is doubt, faith; Where there is despair, hope; Where there is darkness, light; Where there is sadness, joy. O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek To be consoled as to console, To be…
Methodist Covenant Prayer
I am no longer my own, but yours. Put me to what you will, rank me with whom you will; put me to doing, put me to suffering; let me be employed for you, or laid aside for you, exalted for you, or brought low for you; let me be full, let me be empty, let me have all things,…
Call to Prayer and Fasting
OC Ministry Development Team (Dana Short, Prayer Coordinator) May 3, 2014 This is a call for Ohio Conference congregations to engage in a three day fast between now and the August 9th special delegate session. At this session, delegates will discern OC’s response to the Concerned Pastors’ Letter and Resolution in response to Mountain States decision to license a…