
Making our places of worship safe for people of all ages, especially children, should be a priority for all Ohio Conference congregations. Below are some resources for congregations working at this important area of congregational life.

MCC Safe Sanctuary

Mennonite Central Committee provides information for congregations working at developing Safe Sanctuary policies.

Safe Church also has information on child protection and sample policies for congregations.

Sample Policies

Several congregations have shared their child protection policies with the Conference. Take a look at the policies below:

Beaverdam Mennonite Church
Beaverdam Mennonite Church – Volunteer Brochure
Bethel Mennonite Church
Wooster Mennonite Church

Of course, developing a child protection policy for your congregation is only the first step. To be effective, the policy must be implemented. Kris Nussbaum of Kidron Mennonite Church reflects on how the Kidron congregation uses its Child Protection Policy in this article.