Interim Conference Minister: Dan Miller – 574-238-1883;

Interim Associate Conference Minister: Larry Rohrer – 574-312-4386;

If you are interested in applying for a pastoral positions listed below, please contact the regional pastor responsible for that congregation.

CongregationFTE Position (Open Date)Departing PastorInterim PastorConference Pastor
Martins Mennonite ChurchPart-time (averaging 20 hours/week or 5 units of a 21 unit week)Shawn HilliardErnie HershbergerLarry Rohrer
Huber Mennonite ChurchPastor (1/2 time)Wendell SlagellSteve SlagellDan Miller
Sharon Mennonite ChurchPastor (full-time)Jared Chase, Walter CampbellNoneDan Miller