ACA Table Group Leader Virtual Orientation
A brief orientation session for table group leaders at Annual Conference Assembly (ACA) will be held on Zoom Feb. 20, beginning at 7 p.m. To participate in this session, use this link: If you are unable to attend the orientation, please be sure to watch the recording PRIOR to ACA.
ACA – New Delegate Virtual Orientation
A brief orientation session for new delegates to Annual Conference Assembly (ACA) will be held on Zoom Feb. 19, beginning at 7 p.m. To participate in this session, use this link: If you are unable to attend the orientation, please be sure to watch the recording PRIOR to ACA.

ACA speaker discusses faith and scripture in podcast episodes
Meghan Larissa Good will be the featured speaker at Annual Conference Assembly March 1-2. Want to learn more about Meghan? She has appeared as a guest on a number of podcasts. You can hear more about Meghan’s life and experience connecting with the Bible on the God Hears Her podcast episode titled “Enjoying & Exploring Scripture”: You also can…

Sharon Mennonite to host ACA
Meghan Larissa Good to be featured presenter Sharon Mennonite Church in Plain City will host the 2024 Annual Conference Assembly (ACA) March 1-2. The theme of this year’s gathering will be “Following Jesus Together with a Common Mission,” based on Philippians 2:5-11. The 2024 Annual Conference Assembly is intended for all members of Ohio Conference churches, not just delegates. In…

Prepare for ACA by reading Divine Gravity
The ACA Planning Committee is encouraging all Annual Conference Assembly (ACA) participants to read Meghan Larissa Good’s book Divine Gravity prior to ACA in March. Delegates will receive a copy of the book at winter cluster meetings. Everyone who has read the book prior to ACA will be entered into a prize drawing at ACA. Please see the 2024 ACA…

2024 ACA theme and speaker announced
Sharon Mennonite Church in Plain City will host the 2024 Annual Conference Assembly (ACA) March 1-2, 2024. The theme of the 2024 ACA will be “Following Jesus Together with a Common Mission,” based on Philippians 2:5-11. The gathering will include input from Meghan Larissa Good, who will be presenting on her soon-to-be published book Divine Gravity: Sparking a Movement to…
Delegate News – 7-25-23
Delegates are an important part of the discernment process As Ohio Conference works through its second year of the discernment process, delegates from congregations have an important role in the discernment. Ideally, each congregation’s delegates should be individuals who are able to participate in the entire discernment process, including the fall delegate meetings, winter delegate meetings, and Annual Conference Assembly…

ACA report: Affiliation resolution not adopted
At the 2023 Annual Conference Assembly (ACA), a resolution for Ohio Conference to withdraw from Mennonite Church USA and become temporarily independent did not receive enough votes from delegates to be adopted. The Ohio Conference Leadership Team proposed the resolution to delegates on March 4 at ACA after several sessions of group spiritual discernment. Eighty-one delegates (54.7 %) voted to…

What’s next after ACA 2023?
To: Ohio Conference credentialed ministers, delegates, and congregations From: Ohio Conference Leadership Team Subject: What’s Next after ACA 2023? Date: March 9, 2023 The Leadership Team of Ohio Conference would once again like to take the opportunity to thank all of our credentialed ministers, delegates and congregations for your active participation in the first year of our two-year review process…
ACA photos are online
Photos from the 2023 Annual Conference Assembly are posted online at You also can view them on the Ohio Conference Facebook page: A brief summary video of ACA 2023 will be available by the end of this week. The video also will be posted on Facebook and at

Affiliation resolution at ACA not adopted
At last weekend’s Annual Conference Assembly (ACA), a resolution for Ohio Conference to withdraw from Mennonite Church USA and become temporarily independent did not receive enough votes from delegates to be adopted. The Ohio Conference Leadership Team proposed the resolution to delegates on March 4 at ACA after several sessions of group spiritual discernment. Eighty-one delegates (54.7 %) voted to…

ACA delegates adopt resolutions of thanks
Ohio Conference’s Annual Conference Assembly took place March 3-4 at Central Christian School in Kidron. Delegates at Annual Conference Assembly adopted two resolutions of thanks during Saturday’s last business session. The resolutions are below: We thank Ohio Conference Staff, leadership, and Jeanne Zimmerly Jantzi for their work and support of Ohio Conference churches and pastors this past year. We appreciate…
Delegate News – Here is a copy of the resolution which delegates voted on at the 2023 ACA
We have heard that many delegates would like the text of the resolution that delegates voted on at Annual Conference Assembly. Below is a copy of the resolution: Ohio Conference of Mennonite Church USA ACA Resolution March 4, 2023 RESOLVED, that Ohio Conference withdraws from Mennonite Church USA; RESOLVED, that Ohio Conference will amend its Constitution (which must be approved…
Delegate News – Resources for ACA
We look forward to seeing you at ACA ACA is almost here! We are looking forward to gathering together for Annual Conference Assembly on March 3 and 4 at Central Christian School in Kidron. More than 180 people have registered for ACA so far. If you still haven’t registered, please do so soon. You can register online at Please…

Central Christian School to host ACA
‘Doing Life Together: Rooted and Grounded in Love’ will be Assembly theme Central Christian School in Kidron will host the 2023 Annual Conference Assembly (ACA) March 3-4. The theme of this year’s gathering will be “Doing Life Together: Rooted and Grounded in Love,” based on Ephesians 3:16-21. In a letter to delegates, Conference Moderator Ken Sims wrote, “We look forward…

Delegate News — 12-27-22
Winter cluster meetings start Jan. 17 Five winter cluster meetings have been scheduled for Ohio Conference delegates to Annual Conference Assembly. Each meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. and last approximately two hours. Locations are as follows: Jan. 17 — Maple Grove Mennonite Church, Hartville Jan. 19 — Toledo Mennonite Church Jan. 24 — Sharon Mennonite Church, Plain City Jan. 26 — Orrville…
Delegate News – 12-5-22
Winter cluster meetings start Jan. 17 Five winter cluster meetings have been scheduled for Ohio Conference delegates to Annual Conference Assembly. Each meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. and last between 1.5 and 2 hours. Locations are as follows: Jan. 17 — Maple Grove Mennonite Church, Hartville Jan. 19 — Toledo Mennonite Church Jan. 24 — Sharon Mennonite Church, Plain City Jan. 26 —…
Has your congregation appointed ACA delegates?
A reminder for congregations: Please be sure your congregation has delegates appointed prior to the fall delegate gatherings in September and early October. Once your congregation has appointed delegates, please send their names and contact information to Judy King at the conference office at This year the Ohio Conference Leadership Team is encouraging each congregation to appoint an alternate…

Delegates approve new mission statement, Conference to review affiliation with MC USA
For photos from ACA and a summary video, please see Ohio Conference of Mennonite Church USA gathered in person for its Annual Conference Assembly (ACA) on March 4-5, 2022, at Zion Mennonite Church in Archbold, Ohio. The theme for the assembly was Befriending the Neighborhood: Am I a Good Neighbor? The focus was on the story of the Good…

ACA service project to benefit local ministries
As a service project at Annual Conference Assembly (ACA), Ohio Conference will be collecting items for Friendship House and Shepherd’s Circle, two organizations in the Archbold area that are working at sheltering people in crisis. Requested items include laundry detergent and four-packs of toilet tissue. ACA will take place March 4-5 at Zion Mennonite Church in Archbold. Have you registered…

Have you registered for ACA yet?
The deadline to register for Annual Conference Assembly (ACA) is approaching quickly. Have you registered yet? ACA will take place March 4-5 at Zion Mennonite Church in Archbold. Registrations for ACA are due Friday, Feb. 11. After that date, the registration fee increases from $45 per person to $60 per person. For more information about ACA, please see To…

Delegate News — Winter 2022
Winter cluster meeting dates set Ohio Conference is planning five winter cluster meetings for delegates to Annual Conference Assembly, beginning this week. Each meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. and last approximately 90 minutes. Locations are as follows: Jan. 18 — Bethel Mennonite Church, West Liberty Jan. 27 — Salem Mennonite Church, Kidron Feb. 1 — Tedrow Mennonite Church, Wauseon…

Register now for ACA, missional conference
Online registration is open for the 2022 Annual Conference Assembly (ACA). Zion Mennonite Church in Archbold will host the 2022 ACA March 4-5. The theme of this year’s gathering will be “Befriending the Neighborhood: Am I a Good Neighbor?” For more information about ACA, please see To register online, go to Register for ACA by Feb. 11. Zion…

Workshop ideas sought for Annual Conference Assembly
Ohio Conference is seeking suggestions for workshops for the Ohio Annual Conference Assembly, scheduled for March 4-5, 2022, at Zion Mennonite Church in Archbold, Ohio. This year, our theme will be “Befriending the Neighborhood: Am I a Good Neighbor?” (Luke 10:25-37) We are planning to meet in person, but if it is deemed best to go virtual, we may be…

Annual Conference Assembly
Ohio Conference Constituents, We are prayerfully preparing for our annual time of worshipful work, centered around the theme “Befriending the Neighborhood: Am I a Good Neighbor?” based on Luke 10:25-37. We hope you will plan to join us March 4-5, 2022, at Zion Mennonite Church, Archbold, Ohio, for our 53rd Ohio Annual Conference Assembly. Immediately prior to ACA, Ohio Conference…

Conference holds first virtual Assembly
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Ohio Conference held its 2021 Annual Conference Assembly (ACA) virtually rather than in person. On March 6 delegates from all around the Conference met on Zoom for business sessions and worship. One hundred thirty-three people registered for ACA, including 122 delegates from 32 congregations. Day includes worship In addition to business sessions, the online annual…
Recordings of ACA are online
Recordings of Annual Conference Assembly are available on the Ohio Conference website. Recordings include all three business sessions and the worship service. To view any of these recordings, go to

Regional gatherings focus on mission statement, congregational sharing
By Dick Barrett Conference Minister On Oct. 20, 22, 27 and 29 Ohio Conference held four regional fall gatherings for delegates to Annual Conference Assembly. Delegates learned about a proposed new mission statement for the Conference, heard more about the upcoming Annual Conference Assembly, and shared with one another about their congregations’ experiences dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to…
ACA and Missional Conference to be held virtually
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Ohio Conference is planning to hold the 2021 Missional Conference and Annual Conference Assembly (ACA) virtually rather than in person. These events will take place March 4-6, 2021. The featured speaker for both events will be Brad Roth, pastor and author of God’s Country: Faith, Hope, and the Future of the Rural Church.
Annual Conference Assembly
Ohio Conference will hold its 2021 Annual Conference Assembly (ACA) as an online meeting. Brad Roth, the input speaker for the 2021 missional conference, will also speak at ACA. Register Now