Have you registered for ACA yet?

The deadline to register for Annual Conference Assembly (ACA) is approaching quickly. Have you registered yet? ACA will take place March 4-5 at Zion Mennonite Church in Archbold.
Registrations for ACA are due Friday, Feb. 11. After that date, the registration fee increases from $45 per person to $60 per person. For more information about ACA, please see https://bit.ly/2022ACAInfo. To register online, go to https://bit.ly/2022ACARegistration.
Feb. 11 is also the registration deadline for the 2022 missional conference featuring Howard and Cathy Wagler. Zion Mennonite Church in Archbold will host this conference March 3-4, immediately prior to ACA. The conference theme is “Befriending the Neighborhood: Am I a Good Neighbor?”
Please note that after the Feb. 11 registration deadline, the registration fee for this conference increases by $15 per person.
For more information about the 2022 missional conference, please see the conference brochure: https://bit.ly/2022MissionalConferenceBrochure. To register online, go to https://bit.ly/2022MissionalConference.