
Now Hiring!
Ohio Mennonite Conference is searching for their next Conference Minister. To learn more or to apply, please visit the search page found here.

Welcome Lynn!
Lynn Miller recently returned to Ohio Mennonite Conference as the bookkeeper. Previously, he held positions as the moderator and as a member of the Stewardship Committee. He lives in NW Ohio and attends Tedrow Mennonite Church with his spouse Tami and son, Peyton. Lynn recently retired from a career in the software industry and enjoys sports, computer programming, personal finance,…

A Sense of God’s Heart in the Matter
This issue features articles about discernment, a word that Christians sometimes get tired of because it gets used often. I think we use it because we want to take care, and exercise insight, when making weighty decisions like calling people to congregational leadership positions or adopting a budget or planting a new church. On the downside, talking about discernment can…

Welcome Kelsey!
I’m Kelsey Hilty Troyer and I’m excited to be joining Ohio Mennonite Conference as the new Administrative Coordinator. Prior to OMC, I served as the administrative assistant at Oak Grove Mennonite (Smithville) for the last seven years and I’ve been the administrative assistant at Crown Hill Mennonite (Rittman) since 2018. I graduated from Central Christian School in 2012, where I…

UPDATED: Staffing positions available
Ohio Conference is looking for a quarter-time bookkeeper. This position makes a significant contribution to the conference’s ability to work toward its mission to love God, love others, and make disciples of Jesus Christ. The Bookkeeper will accomplish tasks such as: Receive and process all revenue and expenses Track activities in financial software File tax forms Create reports that convey…

How did your congregation celebrate Social Justice Sunday?
Grace & Groundings, Ohio Conference’s racial reconciliation team, would like to hear how you did or did not use the 2024 Social Justice Sunday resources. We would appreciate responses to a short questionnaire whether or not you used, or plan to use, the resources created by Grace & Groundings. The questionnaire is brief and will help Grace & Groundings as they continue their work. Please respond…

May financial report
Stan Helmuth, Ohio Conference financial coordinator, has finalized the May financial statements; May is the second month of the fiscal year. While congregational giving was higher in May than in April, expenses are still exceeding receipts. Staff continues to keep expenses below budget, but giving also continues to be below budget. As of May 31, the conference has a $12,478…

Welcome Sháqūez!
New Program and Communication Coordinator to begin on July 1 My name is Sháqūez Dickens. I am originally from Wooster, Ohio, where I previously worked in various roles at The College of Wooster. I graduated from Indiana Wesleyan University with my Bachelor’s in Business and will soon graduate with my Master’s in Organizational Leadership. My husband, Bob, and I live…

Is God calling you? (Or someone you know?)
And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it. John 14:13-14 Thank you for the ways you support Ohio Mennonite Conference! The Gifts Discernment Committee is tasked with filling all Conference committee positions. Sometimes their…

Congratulations, Sue!! Sue Short graduates from AMBS
On April 27, AMBS held its commencement service honoring 22 graduates. One of those honored was Sue Short, pastor at Zion Mennonite in Archbold. Sue anticipates completing her Master of Divinity with a major in Pastoral Ministry this August. Sue completed most of her degree from a distance through the MDiv Connect program. Sue states, “My seminary experience at AMBS…

Leadership Council gathers for retreat
The new Ohio Conference Leadership Council met April 24-25 at Our Lady of the Pines Retreat Center in Tiffin, OH. The purpose of our retreat was to get to know one another better and to intentionally set time aside to review the 2024-26 Strategic Plan that was approved at our recent Annual Conference Assembly. As the Leadership Council gathered it…

Oak Grove Mennonite Preschool outreach
By Miriam Zehr Retired associate pastor of Worship and Education at Oak Grove Mennonite Church Oak Grove Mennonite Preschool has been in operation since 1975. It offers programming for three- and four-year-olds on Tuesday and Thursday mornings and for four– and five-year-olds on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings during the school year. We have had many connections with community families…

First month of fiscal year complete
Ohio Conference’s fiscal year began on April 1 and ended its first month with just over a $3,000 deficit. In comparison, the past two fiscal years had over a $14,000 deficit after the first month. While receipts were low, expenses were almost $8000 lower than budgeted. The budget this year is based on $250,000 in contributions from congregations and $40,000…
Healthy Boundaries 201 Training
Healthy Boundaries 201 training was held on April 30 with sixty people participating. Led by Nancy Kauffmann and Jon Bohley, credentialed leaders from Ohio Conference and beyond completed the training. All persons with an active (or active without charge) credential from the Ohio Conference are required to complete Healthy Boundaries training once every three years.

It’s Official! We are Ohio Mennonite Conference!
Conference’s name is now officially Ohio Mennonite Conference. The action that the delegates took at Annual Conference Assembly in March of this year to change the name of Conference from Ohio Conference of Mennonite Church USA to Ohio Mennonite Conference has been recorded by the State of Ohio, and the bylaws have been amended. This organization’s name is now officially…

Bluffton University announces merger with University of Findlay
At a press conference on March 20, the presidents of Bluffton University and the University of Findlay announced that they had signed a Memorandum of Understanding declaring the intention to pursue a merger of the two universities. This would create one institution with two campuses. Each university would remain affiliated with its denomination—Bluffton with MC USA and Findlay with the…

Former Ohio Conference pastor passes at age 82
Robert “Bob” Schloneger, age 82, formerly of Ohio Conference, passed away on March 25, 2024, in Goshen, Indiana. Born on April 17, 1941, in Louisville, Ohio, Bob married Enid Miller in 1963. They had three sons and one daughter. Over the course of his life, Bob served in various ministerial roles, including many in Ohio Conference. He pastored at North…
Delegate News – Retirement Announcement
Greetings to members of Ohio Conference, Tony Doehrmann, regional pastor for the western region of Ohio Conference, has informed the Conference’s Leadership Team that he intends to retire at the end of March 2024. Pastor Doehrmann began as a regional pastor on Oct. 1, 2019. In that time, he has been a meaningful Conference connection with pastors and congregations in…
Arsenic mitigation efforts continue in Bangladesh
At the 2023 Annual Conference Assembly, Bill and Carole Schumacher of Sharon Mennonite Church shared a presentation about the Arsenic Mitigation Project, which focuses on removing arsenic from the water supply in Bangladesh. The Schumachers have continued to work with this project. To learn more, see the project’s most recent newsletter:
Retreat offers couples time for rest, reconnection
Fourteen couples attended the Ohio Conference Pastor-Spouse Retreat, which was held Nov. 10-12 at Deer Creek State Park Lodge in Mt. Sterling, Ohio. The theme of the weekend gathering was “Fill my Cup,” and participants were encouraged to rest, be refreshed and reconnect with their spouse. Our thanks go to the sponsors who helped to underwrite this event: Hummel Group,…
MC USA Executive Board meets in Cleveland
Ohio Conference Leadership Team welcomes MC USA Executive Board to Ohio By Camille Dager CLEVELAND, Ohio (Mennonite Church USA) — The Mennonite Church USA Executive Board strengthened key relationships and discussed creative strategies for convention and revitalization at the first Executive Board meeting of the biennium Oct. 18-20, 2023, in Cleveland, Ohio. Ohio Mennonite Conference welcomed the Executive Board and…
Delegates meet for discussion, look to the future
Thank you to everyone who attended Ohio Conference’s fall delegate cluster meetings. Delegates met for a time of discernment and discussion, considering these questions: What is the context in which Ohio Conference congregations find themselves in today? What are the needs and longings of the communities in which Ohio Conference congregations reside? In light of the context, what is God’s…
Leadership Team appoints interim pastoral staff
The Ohio Conference Leadership Team is pleased to announce the appointment of an interim conference minister and a half-time interim regional pastor for the eastern portion of the Conference. The Leadership Team has appointed Dan Miller to serve as full-time interim conference minister for 12 months, beginning Dec. 1, 2023. Dan has enjoyed various roles over the years, at congregational…

New Hispanic Ministries course coming this fall
ELKHART, Indiana (Mennonite Education Agency) – The Schowalter Foundation recently awarded a $9,000 grant to the Hispanic Ministries seminary program of the Mennonite Education Agency (MEA). This grant will enable the Seminario Bíblico Anabautista Hispano (SeBAH) to offer an online continuing education course this September titled “The Journey of the Bible in the Spanish Language.” The course is designed for…

Gilead Mennonite Church holds final service
On Jan. 29th Conference Minister Dick Barrett worshiped with Gilead Mennonite Church as the congregation worshiped together as a church for the last time. Located in the rural area of Mt. Gilead, Ohio, the church began in 1952 when several Mennonite families moved to the community with a desire to plant a church that was committed both to the Anabaptist/Mennonite…

Ohio Conference Leadership Team Announcement: Resignation of Sherah-Leigh Gerber as regional pastor
It was with sadness that the Leadership Team of Ohio Conference recently accepted the resignation of Sherah-Leigh Gerber as our regional pastor in the east. Sherah-Leigh was called to this role of regional pastor because of her unique skill set and gifting, and her presence and contributions will be greatly missed. One of the primary reasons she gave for her…

Winter Read to return in January
Returning this January: The Ohio Conference Winter Read. This winter Ohio Conference will once again hold a Conference-wide book study using the Zoom videoconferencing platform. This year we will be studying Just Mercy, a book by Bryan Stevenson. Winter Read discussion sessions will take place in the evening on Zoom. Specific meeting dates will be announced at a later time.…

Mennonite Arts Weekend set for Feb. 3-5
“Between: Embracing Vulnerability” is the theme for the 16th Mennonite Arts Weekend, February 3-5, 2023, in Cincinnati, Ohio. This weekend celebrates the creativity and discipline of Anabaptist Mennonite artists. Presentations and workshops by musicians, visual artists, writers, and craftspeople start on Friday evening and conclude with Sunday morning worship. Activities and workshops designed specifically for Pre-K children through high school are planned throughout…

Women’s leadership conference planned
Mennonite Mission Network and Mennonite Women USA are planning a women’s leadership conference Sept. 29-Oct. 2, 2022, in Elkhart, Indiana. The theme of this gathering will be “Leaders Inspiring Leaders.” Conference events will take place at the Mennonite Church USA offices and on the campus of Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary. African American women will lead the conference through prophetic witness…

Register for Mentor/Mentee Retreat by Aug. 16
Ohio Conference will hold a Mentor/Mentee Retreat for pastors on Sept. 6 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the St. Francis Spirituality Center in Tiffin. Terry Shue will provide input, along with representatives from Ohio Conference. Registration is due by Aug. 16. For more details, see the 2022 Mentor-Mentee Retreat flier.