Leadership Team

Delegate News – 7-14-23
Conference Minister Dick Barrett to retire in October Greetings Conference Pastors, Credential Ministers, Congregations and Delegates, It is with profound sadness that the Leadership Team of Ohio Conference of Mennonite Church USA received and accepted the official notification of retirement for Conference Minister Dick Barrett. Dick will officially retire from his Conference Minister role and all ministerial duties on Oct.…

Delegate News – 4-24-23
April 24, 2023 Dear Ohio Conference credentialed ministers, delegates and congregations, The Leadership Team of Ohio Conference met for our annual retreat on April 13 to fellowship with one another, pray, and to discern together God’s leading of Ohio Conference over the next year. We want to let you know how we plan to move forward after Annual Conference Assembly…

What’s next after ACA 2023?
To: Ohio Conference credentialed ministers, delegates, and congregations From: Ohio Conference Leadership Team Subject: What’s Next after ACA 2023? Date: March 9, 2023 The Leadership Team of Ohio Conference would once again like to take the opportunity to thank all of our credentialed ministers, delegates and congregations for your active participation in the first year of our two-year review process…

Delegate News — Leadership Team shares update on review process
To: Ohio Conference Credentialed Ministers, Congregational Delegates, Members and Attendees From: Ohio Conference Leadership Team Subject: Update on Review Process Date: Nov. 7, 2022 At our Annual Conference Assembly (ACA) on March 4-5, 2022, Ohio Conference delegates affirmed the use of a consultant to help us with strategic planning, including visioning for the future and reviewing our affiliation with Mennonite…

Staying the Course
With affirmation from our delegates at our Annual Conference Assembly on March 4-5, 2022, at Zion Mennonite Church in Archbold, Ohio Conference embarked on a review/discernment process looking at our vision based on our new mission statement1, our structure, and our future affiliation with Mennonite Church USA (MC USA). Also with affirmation from our delegates, we contracted with a process…

Leadership Team releases statement regarding MC USA Special Delegate Assembly
To: Ohio Conference Pastors, Delegates and Congregations From: Ohio Conference Leadership Team Subject: Statement regarding MC USA’s Special Delegate Assembly, May 27-30, 2022 Date: June 6, 2022 MC USA’s delegates met May 27-30 for a special delegate assembly in Kansas City, Missouri. Of the 502 delegates who participated, 47 represented Ohio Conference or one of our congregations. We met to…

Please join us in prayer
Times of Prayer and Fasting for Ohio Conference’s Year of Review and the MC USA Delegate Assembly As we have recently begun our Year of Review working with a process consultant and with the upcoming Mennonite Church USA Delegate Assembly scheduled for May 27-30, 2022, it is very important that we are grounded in the spiritual disciplines as we try…
Leadership Team makes statement on direction of Conference
One of the agenda items at winter cluster meetings is a statement from the Ohio Conference Leadership Team regarding the future direction of the Conference. A copy of this statement is available here: 2022-01-18 L.T. Statement to delegates at Winter Cluster Meetings.
An announcement from the Leadership Team
Due to an increased workload as interim head administrator at Central Christian School and the complexities that position requires at the present time, Terry Shue has regretfully resigned his position as moderator of Ohio Conference, effective immediately. Paula Snyder Belousek, who has been serving as assistant moderator, has been appointed to serve as the interim conference moderator until the Gifts Discernment…
Leadership Team Meeting
Update: This meeting will be held online via Zoom, rather than in person as was previously planned.