Leadership Team releases statement regarding MC USA Special Delegate Assembly

To: Ohio Conference Pastors, Delegates and Congregations
From: Ohio Conference Leadership Team
Subject: Statement regarding MC USA’s Special Delegate Assembly, May 27-30, 2022
Date: June 6, 2022
MC USA’s delegates met May 27-30 for a special delegate assembly in Kansas City, Missouri. Of the 502 delegates who participated, 47 represented Ohio Conference or one of our congregations. We met to discuss, examine, discern and vote on three resolutions. We also spent time in discussion of a fourth resolution, For Justice in the U.S. Criminal System, which was a study activity and did not require a vote.
The following resolutions were voted on with these listed results:
1. Clarification on Mennonite Church USA Polity and the Role of the Membership Guidelines of Mennonite Church USA. The resolution passed at 82.8% (404-84 with 3 abstentions).
2. A Resolution for Repentance and Transformation. The resolution passed at 55.7% (267-212 with 9 abstentions).
3. Mennonite Church USA Accessibility Resolution. The resolution passed with unanimous approval.
The passing of these resolutions has no effect on how individual congregations or area conferences currently function. In the coming weeks we will do our best to provide accurate facts and information, to answer questions you might have, and to try to understand how these actions will affect our conference and congregations as we move forward together.
We see this as an important part of our Conference review process, which began April 1. On June 15 we are hosting a congregational pastors’ gathering to give pastors an opportunity to share their thoughts and feelings regarding the MC USA delegate assembly. We have an all-day pastors’ gathering scheduled on Aug. 23 with our consultant, Jeanne Zimmerly Jantzi, facilitating, and we are looking to schedule dates in early fall where she will facilitate our regional Ohio Conference delegate meetings.
We know that this has been a stressful, confusing and fearful time for many of our pastors, congregational leaders and members of our churches. We invite you to take time for prayer and fasting as we continue to seek together God’s future direction for Ohio Conference.
With the Love, Grace, and Peace of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ,
The Ohio Conference Leadership Team
Dick Barrett, Conference Minister
Ken Sims, Conference Moderator
Paula Snyder Belousek, Assistant Conference Moderator
Myron Weaver, Credentialing Ministry Chair
Andrew Blount, Stewardship Ministry Chair
Jared Chase, Gifts Discernment Chair
To download a PDF of this document, click here: 2022-06-06 LT Statement re MC USA Special Delegates Assembly