On Jan. 29th Conference Minister Dick Barrett worshiped with Gilead Mennonite Church as the congregation worshiped together as a church for the last time.

Located in the rural area of Mt. Gilead, Ohio, the church began in 1952 when several Mennonite families moved to the community with a desire to plant a church that was committed both to the Anabaptist/Mennonite faith and to seeking and saving the lost in its community. Sadly, like many other churches located in rural areas, the number of members and regular attenders dwindled over the past 20 years, and they made the difficult decision to close.

After the worship service, the congregation had a business meeting where they discussed disposing of the church building and property with a strong desire to pass it on to a newer church plant which has been worshipping in the building recently. They then gathered for a fellowship meal and presented Howard Horton, who had been preaching there for the past several years, with a gift of appreciation.