
May financial report
Stan Helmuth, Ohio Conference financial coordinator, has finalized the May financial statements; May is the second month of the fiscal year. While congregational giving was higher in May than in April, expenses are still exceeding receipts. Staff continues to keep expenses below budget, but giving also continues to be below budget. As of May 31, the conference has a $12,478…

Series to explore generosity and stewardship
Starting this month MennoMedia is offering three online sessions focused on generosity and stewardship, featuring input from consultants at Everence. Beginning Thursday, Aug. 17, the monthly sessions will unpack the “why” behind our giving and provide input on specific charitable tools that you can use to support the causes and organizations that are important to you. All sessions begin at…

Register now for stewardship event
Oct. 23 is the deadline to register to attend Weaving a Legacy – Finances God’s Way. This Everence stewardship event will take place Sunday, Oct. 30, at 2:30 p.m. at Sharon Mennonite Church in Plain City. The afternoon will include workshops on topics such as teaching children about money, how investments can reflect one’s faith values, and estate planning. There…

Weaving a Legacy: Finances God’s Way
More than a dozen Mennonite churches in central Ohio will join Everence Financial® to host a special stewardship event: Weaving a Legacy – Finances God’s Way. The event will take place at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 30, at Sharon Mennonite Church in Plain City. The afternoon will include workshops on topics such as teaching children about money, how investments can…

Everence offers support during COVID-19 outbreak
Everence has expanded its services to members during the outbreak of COVID-19. Some of these expanded services include waiving ATM fees, allowing borrowers to skip a pay on certain loans, and a sharing fund increase for churches with an advocate. For more details, see the Everence website:

Everence offers assistance and relief options during COVID-19 outbreak
As part of its mission to help people, churches, businesses and organizations integrate their faith and values into their financial decisions, Everence is offering assistance and relief options to help members and customers impacted by the evolving COVID-19 outbreak. To learn more, see

Giving increases during December
Giving to Ohio Conference increased greatly during December, according to figures provided by Financial Coordinator Stan Helmuth. In fact, the amount received in December was almost double the amount received in any other month of the current fiscal year. (See the accompanying chart for details.) Receipts for December totaled $60,581. Of that amount, $36,966 came from congregational giving. During December…

Giving outpaces expenses during February
For the third month in a row, giving to the Ohio Conference outpaced expenses. According to figures provided by Financial Coordinator Stan Helmuth, total receipts for the month were $37,455, including $37,082 in congregational giving. Expenses totaled just $26,367, resulting in an operating surplus of $11,088 for the month. That surplus boosted the year-to-date operating balance to $32,783. Thank you…
Delegate News — Winter 2019 #3
ACA registration price increases after Feb. 15 We are looking forward to seeing you at the 2019 Annual Conference Assembly (ACA) on March 8-9 at Salem Mennonite Church in Kidron. Thanks to all who have already registered! The registration deadline for ACA is Feb. 15. The cost to register is $45 by Feb. 15, and $60 thereafter. There is an…

Financial report shared at fall cluster meetings
At the fall 2018 cluster meetings, delegates heard a financial report from the Ohio Conference Stewardship Ministry Team. Copies of the PowerPoint presentation shared at the cluster meetings are available below. You may download the presentation either as a PowerPoint file (.pptx) or as a PDF. 2018 Financial Report – Fall Cluster Meetings (.pptx) 2018 Financial Report – Fall…

Giving to Conference increases in September
Congregational giving to the Ohio Conference was higher in September than in the previous month, according to figures provided by Financial Coordinator Stan Helmuth. Congregational giving in September totaled $24,417, compared to just $18,515 in August. Total receipts for September were $24,753, while expenses totaled $20,974, resulting in a surplus of $3,779 for the month. However, the Conference still is…

Conference deficit increases during August
Ohio Conference’s financial deficit increased during August, according to figures provided by Financial Coordinator Stan Helmuth. Total receipts for the month were $19,524, including $18,515 in giving from congregations. Expenses for the month totaled $24,772, resulting in an operating balance of -$5,248 for the month. That shortfall added to the year-to-date deficit. At the end of August the operating balance…

Conference operating deficit continues
Ohio Conference’s expenses were greater than receipts during May, according to figures provided by Financial Coordinator Stan Helmuth. Expenses for the month were $27,878, while receipts totaled just $21,455, resulting in an operating balance of -$6,423 for the month. For the first two months of the fiscal year, the Conference’s operating balance stands at -$18,111.
Stewardship Ministry seeks volunteers for study
The Ohio Conference Stewardship Ministry Team has spent some time recently brainstorming ways to save money for the Conference. One possible area of focus is the expenses of the Conference office located in Kidron. Consequently, the Stewardship Ministry would like to form a group to do a feasibility study. This group would review the current Conference office structure to see…

Giving is stronger during January
Ohio Conference experienced stronger-than-normal giving during January, according to figures provided by Financial Coordinator Stan Helmuth. Total receipts for the month were $58,189, including $48,544 in giving from congregations. (Congregational giving also was strong in December, totaling $43,591.) January’s receipts from congregations were the highest monthly total since December 2015, when congregations gave $60,121. Expenses for January totaled $28,146, resulting…

Conference ends December in the black
Giving to Ohio Conference in December was strong, bringing the Conference’s operating balance into the black for the first time in this fiscal year. Receipts for December totaled $58,206, including $43,591 in congregational giving. Giving from individuals also was strong in December. In response to a year-end appeal from Moderator Bob Sauder, individuals gave $11,475 during December. Expenses for the…

Deficit increases slightly during November
The Ohio Conference’s deficit increased slightly during November, according to figures provided by Ohio Conference Financial Coordinator Stan Helmuth. Receipts for the month totaled $27,886, including $24,237 in congregational giving. Total expenses for the month were $28,559, resulting in a -$673 operating balance for the month. At the end of November, the Conference’s year-to-date operating balance for 2017-18 was -$13,892.…

Conference deficit grows during October
For the second month in a row, expenses outpaced receipts for the Ohio Conference during October, according to figures provided by Ohio Conference Financial Coordinator Stan Helmuth. Receipts for the month totaled $24,691, including $21,360 in congregational giving. Total expenses for the month were $26,391, resulting in a -$1,700 operating balance for the month. At the end of October, the…
Conference deficit grows during September
Expenses outpaced receipts for the Ohio Conference during the month of September, according to figures provided by Ohio Conference Financial Coordinator Stan Helmuth. Receipts for the month totaled $25,067, including $21,417 in congregational giving. Total expenses for the month were $29,783, resulting in a -$4,716 operating balance for the month. At the end of September, the Conference’s year-to-date operating balance…

Conference deficit shrinks in August
Giving to Ohio Conference in August increased from the previous month, according to figures provided by Financial Coordinator Stan Helmuth. Receipts for the month totaled $29,034, including $24,211 in congregational giving. In contrast, giving during July totaled just $19,041. Expenses for the month of August were $25,243, resulting in an operating surplus of $3,791 for the month. That surplus reduced…
Conference deficit increases during July
Ohio Conference’s deficit increased during July, according to figures provided by Ohio Conference Financial Coordinator Stan Helmuth. Receipts for July totaled $19,041, including $14,910 in congregational giving. Expenses for the month totaled $27,256, resulting in an operating balance of -$8,215 for the month. The year-to-date operating balance at the end of July was -$10,594.
Conference deficit decreases slightly in June
Ohio Conference’s receipts were slightly higher than expenses in June, according to figures provided by Ohio Conference Financial Coordinator Stan Helmuth. Receipts for June totaled $23,965, including $20,225 in congregational giving. Expenses for the month totaled $23,560, resulting in a surplus of $405 for the month. The year-to-date operating balance at the end of June was -$2,378.
Conference ends 2016-17 in the black
For the first time since March 2011, Ohio Conference has ended its fiscal year in the black, according to figures provided by Conference Financial Coordinator Stan Helmuth. On March 31, 2017, the Conference finished the 2016-17 fiscal year with an operating surplus of $22,095. The Conference’s total expenses for the month of March were $20,905, and receipts for the month…

Where are we going next?
In this episode of the Ohio Conference Cast, hosts Thomas Dunn and Bill Seymour discuss the Leadership Team’s proposed direction for Ohio Conference, which includes a strong focus on mission. Delegates will be learning about this statement at regional meetings. Joining Thomas and Bill for this discussion are members of the Ohio Conference Leadership Team and Stewardship Ministry. Play…

Deficit continues, but giving in December is up
Giving to the Ohio Conference in December was stronger than in any other month of the 2016-17 fiscal year, according to figures provided by Conference Financial Coordinator Stan Helmuth. Total receipts for the month of December were $42,212, including $8,950 in year-end giving from individuals in response to an appeal from Conference leadership. Our thanks go out to all those…