Stewardship Ministry seeks volunteers for study
The Ohio Conference Stewardship Ministry Team has spent some time recently brainstorming ways to save money for the Conference. One possible area of focus is the expenses of the Conference office located in Kidron.
Consequently, the Stewardship Ministry would like to form a group to do a feasibility study. This group would review the current Conference office structure to see if/where/how costs may be trimmed. The group would be a volunteer-based, independent study group, looking at things such as technology use, and ways to increase effectiveness and reduce costs.
If you understand technology and operational efficiencies and would be interested in helping with this study, or you know someone who could be an asset to this volunteer group, please contact a member of the Stewardship Ministry.
Stewardship Ministry Team
Melanie Miller, co-chair —
Dean Falb, co-chair —
Marion Beyeler —
Roger Crossgrove —
Christine Yoder —