Please remember us in prayer this summer
Please keep Ohio Conference, our congregations and pastors in your prayers throughout the summer. If you would like a prayer request added, please contact Ann Leaman at, Conference Minister Dick Barrett at, or Regional Pastor Tony Doehrmann at
Please remember these requests during your prayer times:
— Ohio Conference as we continue to discern God’s future vision for us as a conference. Our process consultant will be meeting with the Leadership Team and Ministry Development Team on June 15 and with our credentialed ministers for an all-day gathering on Wednesday, Aug. 16, in Upper Sandusky.
— Congregations in Ohio Conference that are discerning God’s will for them regarding future conference and/or denominational affiliation.
— Congregational pastors on sabbatical:
- Rebecca Kauffman, Bethel Mennonite, through July 10.
- Jeff Hochstetler, Berlin Mennonite, June through August. (Jeff, Kelsey and their three daughters will be serving with Mennonite Mission Network in Colombia May 28-June 21.)
- Kevin Himes, Salem Mennonite, Kidron, July through September.
- Joel Shenk, Toledo Mennonite, June 26 through Sept. 25.
— Congregations in pastoral transition.
— Congregations with summer youth mission/service trips:
- Oak Grove, West Liberty (Youth and Adult), Puerto Penasco, Mexico, June 22-25.
- Beech Mennonite (Youth and Adult), Sharing With Appalachian People (SWAP) in Kentucky, week of July 3.
- Wayne County Axis Youth Group, Sharing With Appalachian People (SWAP) in Kentucky, week of July 3.
- Salem Mennonite, Kidron, Guatemala, July 8-14.
— Pastor Matthew Reed, Beech Mennonite, mission trip with Young Life to Prague, Czech Republic, July 14-21.
— Sharon Mennonite Church, community missions festival, Aug. 5.
— Salem Mennonite, Elida, summer worship and Sunday school planned around the theme of creating peace together.
Here are several additional prayer requests from the Northwest Ohio Pastor Peer Group:
Good Shepherd Mennonite Church (Archbold)
- The congregation has discovered structural weakness in the sanctuary building roof and wall structure. Pray for wisdom as the engineer and the congregation’s leadership discern the best path forward.
Toledo Mennonite Church
- Pray for renewal for Pastor Joel Shenk as he enters sabbatical and for church life to go smoothly while he is away.
Central Mennonite Church (Archbold)
- Pray for the ongoing pastoral search process.
Tedrow Mennonite Church (Wauseon)
- The congregation is increasing their connections in the local community, through outreach and combined worship services with other congregations. Please pray for these outreach efforts.
West Clinton Mennonite Church (Wauseon)
- Pray for the implementation of Lifewise Academy, beginning this fall.