CommonWord offers resources for Lent
This year Lent begins Feb. 14. If you are looking for new Lenten resources, check out the website for CommonWord, a collaboration of Mennonite Church Canada and Canadian Mennonite University.
In preparation for Lent, CommonWord has curated a collection of resources for this season of the church year. Included in the collection are books, songs, and worship resources such as sermon starters, dramatic monologues, prayers and calls to worship. To browse this collection, visit
Lenten prayer guide available
CommonWord is also highlighting a Lenten devotional resource. “Hungering for Hope” is the theme of a Lenten guided prayer resource for 2024 offered by the Mennonite Spiritual Directors of Eastern Canada.
“Hungering for Hope” is a contemplative prayer resource which can be used by individuals, small groups, or congregations. It includes weekly prayer sheets, an invitation to share with others (in person or online), and opening and closing liturgies for the Lenten season.
The cost of this resource is $20 for individuals, $10 for students, and $40 for groups/congregations. For more information or to register, please see