Author: Shaquez Dickens

Now Hiring!
Ohio Mennonite Conference is searching for their next Conference Minister. To learn more or to apply, please visit the search page found here.

A Lot of Activity in Ohio Conference
As you can see in this issue of Ohio Evangel, there are a number of developments and activities happening right now in Ohio Mennonite Conference! The various articles cover some personal transitions, congregational transitions and Conference transitions. If you are experiencing a transition, whether large or small, may these articles encourage you to embrace the new that is coming. One…

Welcome Lynn!
Lynn Miller recently returned to Ohio Mennonite Conference as the bookkeeper. Previously, he held positions as the moderator and as a member of the Stewardship Committee. He lives in NW Ohio and attends Tedrow Mennonite Church with his spouse Tami and son, Peyton. Lynn recently retired from a career in the software industry and enjoys sports, computer programming, personal finance,…

Giving drops sharply in February
Giving to Ohio Conference dropped sharply in February, according to figures provided by Financial Coordinator Stan Helmuth. Receipts for the month totaled just $7,745, including $5,521 in giving from congregations. In contrast, receipts for January were $60,875, by far the highest monthly total in fiscal year 2023-24. Expenses for February totaled $25,159, resulting in a deficit of $17,414 for the…
AMBS receives grant for new initiative
Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary (AMBS) in Elkhart, Indiana, has received a $1,249,830 grant from Lilly Endowment Inc. to establish a program, “Anabaptist Thriving Congregations,” to help congregations deepen their study of the Bible with the goal of connecting more authentically with their communities. The project is being funded through Lilly Endowment’s Thriving Congregations Initiative. The aim of the initiative is…
MC USA webinars focus on women in leadership
A recording of the webinar “The Hope-Filled Persistence of Women in Ministry” is now available at Mennonite Church USA’s next Women in Leadership webinar will be on April 23 at 7 p.m. ET. Register at…/register/WN_bWnkm9zcRqmiPfnX_zg1PQ.
Salem Mennonite to co-host service at Lima Mennonite
Palm Sunday special service at Lima Mennonite, Sunday, March 24, at 6:30 p.m. Lima Mennonite (1318 Main St., Lima, Ohio), together with Salem Mennonite in Elida, will host Sarah Augustine, co-founder and co-chair of the Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery Coalition. Her presentation will focus on understanding the Doctrine of Discovery, a set of laws rooted in the 15th century that…

Healthy Boundaries refresher training planned
April 22 is the deadline to register for the Healthy Boundaries 201 training sponsored by the Ohio Conference. This training will be held on Tuesday, April 30, at Wooster Mennonite Church from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The training also will be available online through Zoom. Lunch will be provided for in-person participants. To register, go to
April is Abuse Prevention Month
April is Abuse Prevention month. Congregations and pastors are welcome to contact Nancy Kauffmann, interim denominational minister of Church Safety for Mennonite Church USA’s Church Vitality office, if they wish to have a speaker, training or other resource to use during the month. You may contact her at
Nominees sought for Bring the Peace awards
Mennonite Church USA is seeking award nominations for its 2024 Bring the Peace initiative. The denomination gives the award to a Legacy Peacemaker and a Young Peacemaker each year. A Legacy Peacemaker is someone who has devoted their life to peace and justice work, whereas a Young Peacemaker is a young adult or teenager who has just begun their peacemaking journey and is…

Safe Church policies will be webinar focus
Mennonite Church USA (MC USA) is hosting a webinar, “Making a Safe Church Protection Policy,” on Monday, March 25, at 7 p.m. ET. Facilitators will be Marlene Bogard and Nancy Kauffmann, MC USA’s interim denominational minister for Church Safety. Webinar participants will learn how to write a protection policy, how to use the policy, when to update their congregation’s policy…

Delegates approve name change, strategic plan
Note: Photos and a video summary of Annual Conference Assembly are available at Delegates to the 2024 Annual Conference Assembly (ACA) approved a name change for the Conference, a three-year strategic plan, and an updated Ohio Conference Constitution. ACA took place March 1-2 at Sharon Mennonite Church in Plain City. In addition to business, ACA included several plenary sessions…

Ohio Mennonite Conference is…
By Jeanne Zimmerly Jantzi Process Consultant Metaphors engage us in new ways with imagery for exploration. In the last session of the 2024 Ohio Mennonite Conference meetings, I invited delegates and other attendees to unleash their creativity to brainstorm metaphors to describe Ohio Mennonite Conference (OMC) as they currently see it. This article contains a sampling of the many imaginative…

Working and worshipping together
By Dan Miller Interim Conference Minister Heading into Annual Conference Assembly, I was both excited and nervous. Excited, because I find such gatherings to be fun. At the end of the day, I can be so energized that it’s hard to go to sleep! Nervous, because I am still learning about Ohio Conference. This might be hard to believe, but…

Check out these Lenten resources
By Ann Leaman Ohio Conference Resource Advocate This month I would like to highlight some Lenten worship and devotional resources. The Soil and The Seed Project has released a new collection of free resources for Lent, Easter and Pentecost. Included are a new album of music, “Little Liturgies,” art, and lyrics/chord/lead sheets. To download these resources, go to CommonWord, a…

Northwest Ohio churches work together, supporting refugees from Ukraine
By Bill Holdsworth The Resettlement Support Team (RST) is a joint group of Central and Zion Mennonite churches in northwest Ohio. Our team formed in mid-2022 in response to seeing hundreds of thousands of people displaced all over the world by war and violence and a desire to offer our time and community resources to help immigrants settle in a…
Volunteers accept Conference positions
Members of Ohio Conference congregations who volunteer their time play a vital role in Conference life. Without the help of numerous volunteers, many of the programs and functions of the Ohio Conference could not take place. Much of the work of Ohio Conference is done by the Leadership Council, the Credentialing Committee, the Stewardship Committee, the Gifts Discernment Committee, and…

Podcast series focuses on shalom
Grace & Groundings, Ohio Conference’s resource team focused on racial awareness and reconciliation, is sponsoring a series of monthly podcasts about social righteousness and shalom. The series began in January, with plans to publish one episode each month through May. Each episode focuses on a different topic designed to draw listeners into deeper conversations about issues of social righteousness and…
Jesus Collective to hold Unite Conference
If you are interested in exploring further the ideas about a Jesus-centered faith that featured speaker Meghan Larissa Good presented at ACA, consider attending Unite, a conference hosted by the Jesus Collective. This event will take place April 24-26 in St. Paul, Minnesota. For more information, see

Webinar to focus on women in ministry
In honor of Women’s History Month, Mennonite Church USA (MC USA) is sponsoring a webinar, “The Hope-Filled Persistence of Women in Ministry,” on Monday, March 11, at 7 p.m. This webinar will look at the lives of MC USA women in ministry across the generations and today. Rev. Amy Zimbelman, conference minister of Mountain States Mennonite Conference, and Elizabeth Johnson,…
Bluffton to offer new environmental science major
BLUFFTON, Ohio — Starting in fall 2024, Bluffton University students will have the opportunity to major in environmental science. Housed in the department of health sciences, natural sciences and mathematics, the program will provide students a broader understanding of the natural and built worlds around them through classes in biology, chemistry, geology, and soil, water and climate sciences. See the…

Missio Dei issue features Latin American women
The 32nd issue of Missio Dei, a publication of Mennonite Mission Network, describes 20 years of Movimiento de Mujeres Anabautistas Haciendo Teología desde América Latina (Movement of Anabaptist Women Doing Theology from Latin America — MTAL). Spanish and English versions of the booklet, Women, 20 years of paving the way between dreams and hopes, a collaboration between Mission Network and…
Delegate News – Looking Forward to ACA
Looking forward to seeing you at ACA Annual Conference Assembly (ACA) is almost here! We are looking forward to seeing many of you at Sharon Mennonite Church on March 1-2. This issue of Delegate News includes many last-minute reminders to help you prepare for our annual gathering. Registration is still open If you are planning on attending ACA, please make…

Deficit shrinks during January
Strong congregational giving to Ohio Conference during January resulted in the Conference’s highest monthly receipts by far for the 2023-24 fiscal year. Receipts for January totaled $60,875, including $50,397 in giving from congregations. In comparison, congregational giving in December totaled just $21,569. Expenses for January totaled $36,417, resulting in a surplus of $24,458 for the month. As of the end…
Camp Luz seeks program director
Camp Luz is seeking a leader who is passionate about seeing people growing in their faith in Jesus Christ to serve as program director. Use your skills and experience to make a difference in the lives of hundreds of children, young adults, and families. This position is available immediately. See the Camp Luz news release for more information. A full…

Healthy Boundaries refresher training planned
Ohio Conference will hold a Healthy Boundaries 201 training on Tuesday, April 30, at Wooster Mennonite Church from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The training also will be available online through Zoom. For those meeting in person, lunch will be provided. Healthy Boundaries 201 is designed for credentialed pastors who have previously completed Healthy Boundaries 101. Please note: All persons…
Seminary programs offer support for pastors
Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary (AMBS) in Elkhart, Indiana, is offering programs which support pastors currently serving in the church. The Transition to Leadership program guides and nurtures new pastors during the crucial first years of ministry. This two-year program includes monthly one-on-one mentoring sessions, biannual Learning Events with other new pastors and their mentors, and optional consultations with consultants with…

Fairlawn Mennonite to host MCC Comforter Bash
This year the Ohio MCC Comforter Bash will take place at Fairlawn Mennonite Church, 8520 Emerson Road, Apple Creek, Ohio. Hours are as follows: Friday, March 8 – 9:30 a.m. to 8 p.m., and Saturday, March 9 – 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. See the Ohio Conference website for more information:
Delegate News – Resignation Announcement
Feb. 21, 2024 Greetings to members of Ohio Conference, Ann Leaman, conference editor for Ohio Conference, has informed the Conference leadership that she intends to end her work with Ohio Conference at the end of the fiscal year, March 31, 2024. Ann joined Ohio Conference staff in October 1998. During those years Ann worked with the Conference to adapt from…

Ohio MCC Comforter Bash brings together volunteers to help others around the world
By Jennifer Steiner MCC Great Lakes Individuals and groups from northeast Ohio will gather on March 8-9 for a hands-on project to bring warmth and comfort to people they will likely never meet. The Ohio MCC Comforter Bash will take place at Fairlawn Mennonite Church, 8520 Emerson Road, Apple Creek, Ohio. Hours are as follows: Friday, March 8 – 9:30…