Sharon Mennonite Church
Delegate News – Looking Forward to ACA
Looking forward to seeing you at ACA Annual Conference Assembly (ACA) is almost here! We are looking forward to seeing many of you at Sharon Mennonite Church on March 1-2. This issue of Delegate News includes many last-minute reminders to help you prepare for our annual gathering. Registration is still open If you are planning on attending ACA, please make…

Register for ACA by Feb. 9
Have you registered for Annual Conference Assembly (ACA)? Feb. 9 is the deadline to register for ACA at the regular fee of $50 per person. After that date, the registration fee rises to $65 per person. Sharon Mennonite Church in Plain City will host the 2024 ACA March 1-2. The featured speaker at this event will be Meghan Larissa Good,…

Sharon Mennonite to host ACA
Meghan Larissa Good to be featured presenter Sharon Mennonite Church in Plain City will host the 2024 Annual Conference Assembly (ACA) March 1-2. The theme of this year’s gathering will be “Following Jesus Together with a Common Mission,” based on Philippians 2:5-11. The 2024 Annual Conference Assembly is intended for all members of Ohio Conference churches, not just delegates. In…

2024 ACA theme and speaker announced
Sharon Mennonite Church in Plain City will host the 2024 Annual Conference Assembly (ACA) March 1-2, 2024. The theme of the 2024 ACA will be “Following Jesus Together with a Common Mission,” based on Philippians 2:5-11. The gathering will include input from Meghan Larissa Good, who will be presenting on her soon-to-be published book Divine Gravity: Sparking a Movement to…
Delegate News – 7-25-23
Delegates are an important part of the discernment process As Ohio Conference works through its second year of the discernment process, delegates from congregations have an important role in the discernment. Ideally, each congregation’s delegates should be individuals who are able to participate in the entire discernment process, including the fall delegate meetings, winter delegate meetings, and Annual Conference Assembly…

Annual Conference Assembly
Sharon Mennonite Church in Plain City will host the 2024 Annual Conference Assembly (ACA) March 1-2, 2024. The theme of the 2024 ACA will be “Following Jesus Together with a Common Mission,” based on Philippians 2:5-11. The gathering will include input from Meghan Good, who will presenting on her upcoming book Divine Gravity: Sparking a Movement to Recover a Better…

Sharon work camp to focus on local service
Sharon Mennonite Church in Plain City is hosting its annual work camp June 18-24. Work camp participants, middle school age and older, work at service projects in the local area. People from other congregations, both adults and youth, are welcome to participate in work camp. Youth work camp participants need to have finished at least sixth grade. Youth from other congregations…
Winter Cluster Meeting
Ohio Conference will hold five winter cluster meetings for delegates to Annual Conference Assembly. Locations are as follows: Jan. 17 — Maple Grove Mennonite (Hartville) Jan. 19 — Toledo Mennonite Jan. 24 — Sharon Mennonite (Plain City) Jan. 26 — Orrville Mennonite Jan. 30 — Online via Zoom Register Now

Register now for stewardship event
Oct. 23 is the deadline to register to attend Weaving a Legacy – Finances God’s Way. This Everence stewardship event will take place Sunday, Oct. 30, at 2:30 p.m. at Sharon Mennonite Church in Plain City. The afternoon will include workshops on topics such as teaching children about money, how investments can reflect one’s faith values, and estate planning. There…

Stewardship event planned at Sharon Mennonite Church
More than a dozen Mennonite churches in central Ohio will join Everence Financial® to host a special stewardship event: Weaving a Legacy – Finances God’s Way. The event will take place at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 30, at Sharon Mennonite Church in Plain City. The afternoon will include workshops on topics such as teaching children about money, how investments can…

Weaving a Legacy: Finances God’s Way
More than a dozen Mennonite churches in central Ohio will join Everence Financial® to host a special stewardship event: Weaving a Legacy – Finances God’s Way. The event will take place at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 30, at Sharon Mennonite Church in Plain City. The afternoon will include workshops on topics such as teaching children about money, how investments can…

Delegates gather for business, worship
One hundred seventy-three people gathered at Sharon Mennonite Church in Plain City on March 7 for the 51st Annual Conference Assembly (ACA) of the Ohio Conference. Delegates from 36 congregations participated in the one-day meeting. Delegates worship In addition to business sessions, the one-day event included a time of worship, focusing on the theme “Hearts of Wisdom,” based on Psalm…

ACA delegates invited to donate to Plain City Food Pantry
As a service project at Annual Conference Assembly (ACA), Ohio Conference will be collecting items for the Plain City Food Pantry. Please see the list of suggested donation items. ACA will take place March 7, 2020, at Sharon Mennonite Church in Plain City.

Have you registered for ACA yet?
The deadline to register for Annual Conference Assembly (ACA) is approaching quickly. Have you registered yet? ACA will take place March 7 at Sharon Mennonite Church in Plain City. Registrations for ACA are due Friday, Feb. 14. After that date, the registration fee increases from $30 to $45 per person. To register online, go to

Sharon Mennonite to host ACA
Sharon Mennonite Church in Plain City will host the 2020 Annual Conference Assembly (ACA) of the Ohio Conference on Saturday, March 7. The theme of this year’s gathering will be “Hearts of Wisdom,” based on Psalm 90:12. In each of the past several years, ACA has been held over a two-day period, and the Assembly has been preceded by a…

Sharon Mennonite to host 2020 ACA
Mark your calendar: The 2020 Annual Conference Assembly of the Ohio Conference will be held March 7, 2020, at Sharon Mennonite Church in Plain City.
Annual Conference Assembly
The Ohio Conference will hold its 2020 Annual Conference Assembly March 7, 2020, at Sharon Mennonite Church in Plain City.

Sharon Mennonite to hold Work Camp in June
Sharon Mennonite Church in Plain City will hold its annual Work Camp June 16-21. This volunteer experience is open to people from all Ohio Conference congregations. Work Camp creates opportunity to serve the local community through various construction and maintenance projects for individuals, religious groups, and community organizations. Past projects have included wheelchair ramps, painting, roofing, flooring, landscaping, and other…
Sharon Mennonite Work Camp
Sharon Mennonite Church will hold its annual Work Camp June 21-26. Work Camp creates opportunity to serve the local community through various construction and maintenance projects for individuals, religious groups, and community organizations. Past projects have included wheelchair ramps, painting, roofing, flooring, landscaping, and other various maintenance projects. Participants will worship with each other, serve the community and share the…
MC USA Executive Director coming to Ohio
Glen Guyton, executive director of Mennonite Church USA, is coming to Ohio. He will visit Sharon Mennonite Church in Plain City on Sunday, Sept. 23. The day’s events will include worship with Glen Guyton preaching, a question-and-answer session with Glen Guyton, a cornhole tournament with lunch provided, and an evening meeting, “Talk Back and Conversation with Glen.” If you plan to…

Meetings with MC USA Executive Director Glen Guyton
Glen Guyton, executive director of Mennonite Church USA, is coming to Ohio. He will visit Sharon Mennonite Church in Plain City on Sunday, Sept. 23. The day’s events will include worship with Glen Guyton preaching, a question-and-answer session with Glen Guyton, a cornhole tournament with lunch provided, and an evening meeting, “Talk Back and Conversation with Glen.” If you plan to…

A mission trip without the travel
For many congregations, a summer service trip for the youth group is a time-honored tradition. Sharon Mennonite Church in Plain City is following that tradition, but with a difference. The service, spiritual growth and group bonding which often occur during a summer service trip are still present, but the travel part is not. This summer for the second year in…

Missional Work Camp — You can do this!
Many church youth groups go on summer service trips, but this episode of the Ohio Conference Cast features something different — a summer work camp in the local community. Instead of traveling to a far-off location to serve, youth and adults at Sharon Mennonite Church in Plain City use the church building as a home base for the week and spend…

Ohio Conference Cast Orlando – Young adults share their reflections
In this final podcast from the Mennonite Church USA Convention in Orlando, host Bill Seymour talks to Jared Chase, youth pastor at Sharon Mennonite Church in Plain City, and four post-high young adults from Sharon Mennonite: Mandy Miller, Emily Miller, Josh Yoder and Megan Colwell. These young adults reflect on their convention experience and share their hopes for Mennonite Church USA. Play in…