
Women leading, empowered by the Holy Spirit
By Alysa Short Coordinator of Volunteers Ohio Conference held a retreat for women in leadership Feb. 18-19 at the St. Francis Spirituality Center in Tiffin, Ohio. Twenty-three women from around Conference participated in this overnight retreat led by Rebecca Slough, academic dean and professor of worship and the arts emerita at Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary in Elkhart, Indiana. Focusing on…

Zion Mennonite to host Assembly
Zion Mennonite Church in Archbold will host the 2022 Annual Conference Assembly (ACA) of the Ohio Conference March 4-5. The theme of this year’s gathering, based on Luke 10:25-37, will be “Befriending the Neighborhood: Am I a Good Neighbor?” Ohio Conference also will hold a missional conference at Zion Mennonite Church in Archbold immediately prior to ACA, on March 3-4.…

Borderlands Learning Tour: No easy answers
By Dick Barrett Conference Minister November 7th through the 14th of this past year I had the privilege and opportunity to participate in a Borderlands Learning Tour sponsored by the Great Lakes office of Mennonite Central Committee. The tour focused on the border between Douglas, Arizona, and Agua Prieta, Mexico, approximately 120 miles southeast of Tucson. Both Ohio Conference’s Leadership…

Winter Read offers place for discussion
We would love to have you join us for the Ohio Conference Winter Read, which is currently underway. This winter Ohio Conference is trying something new, a Conference-wide book study offered via Zoom. We are studying Latasha Morrison’s book Be the Bridge: Pursuing God’s Heart for Racial Reconciliation. As of mid-January, 58 people are participating in the Winter Read. Discussion leaders…

‘Little Liturgies’ can nurture faith
By Ann Leaman Ohio Conference Resource Advocate If you are looking for ways to nurture faith at home, take a look at the free resources available online at The Soil and the Seed Project: https://www.thesoilandtheseedproject.org. This group has created “little liturgies” with downloadable music, art, prayers, scripture, and discussion prompts which can be used by individuals, families, or small communities.…

Conference to focus on how to be a good neighbor
Ohio Conference will hold a missional conference March 3-4 at Zion Mennonite Church in Archbold, immediately prior to the 2022 Annual Conference Assembly. The theme of the missional conference, based on Luke 10:25-37, will be “Befriending the Neighborhood: Am I a Good Neighbor?” Presenters will be Howard and Cathy Wagler, church planters from Hutchinson, Kansas. The Waglers currently are serving…

Loving my neighbor and forbearance
By Dick Barrett Conference Minister There is an old saying that goes something like, “We get to pick our friends, but we don’t get to pick our family.” Well, I would add, “We don’t get to pick our neighbors.” In the Great Commandment(s) Jesus tells us to “love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your…

Women in Leadership Retreat to feature Rebecca Slough
There’s still time to register for Ohio Conference’s Women in Leadership Retreat, which will be held Feb. 18-19 at the St. Francis Spirituality Center in Tiffin. Retreat planners are encouraging every Ohio Conference congregation to send at least one woman to this retreat. Has your congregation tapped someone to attend this retreat? The theme of the Women in Leadership Retreat…
Everence scholarship application deadline is Feb. 28
GOSHEN, Indiana ─ Everence Financial® is accepting applications for college scholarships for the 2022-2023 school year until Feb. 28. Everence will award 45 regional scholarships of $1,000 to students chosen by local Everence offices. Three students also will receive national scholarships ─ one of $2,000 and two of $1,000 ─ so the top three recipients will have Everence scholarships totaling…

Making disciples who make disciples
How do we transform individuals into active disciples of Jesus Christ? In the past several years, many Ohio Conference congregations have worked toward this goal by participating in the Missional Discipleship Initiative (MDI). This initiative was first offered by Mennonite Mission Network. A main goal of MDI is making disciples of Jesus Christ who in turn make other disciples. Starting…

The Annunciation of the Incarnation
By Dick Barrett Conference Minister 26 In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth, 27 to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David. And the virgin’s name was Mary. 28 And he came to her and said, “Greetings, O favored one, the Lord is with you!” 29 But she was greatly troubled at the saying, and…

Check out these Advent Resources
By Ann Leaman Ohio Conference Resource Advocate As we move into the season of Advent, Mennonite Church USA and CommonWord have Advent resources for individuals, families and congregations. Once again this year, Mennonite Church USA (MC USA) has prepared an Advent at Home worship guide which can be used by individuals or families. The 2021 guide follows the theme “Dare…

Prepare/Enrich training focuses on marriage
Recognizing that pastors are often called upon to counsel engaged and married couples, this fall Ohio Conference offered pastors training in a program called Prepare/Enrich. The Conference offered two opportunities for pastors to participate in this training, on Sept. 30 at Salem Mennonite Church in Kidron and Oct. 19 at West Clinton Mennonite Church in Wauseon. The training sessions were…

Join us for the Ohio Conference Winter Read
Coming in January: The Ohio Conference Winter Read. This winter Ohio Conference is trying something new, a Conference-wide book study offered via Zoom. This year we will be discussing Latasha Morrison’s book Be the Bridge: Pursuing God’s Heart for Racial Reconciliation. Discussion leaders will be Pastor Vikki Pruitte-Sorrells of Lee Heights Community Church in Cleveland and Pastor Kevin Himes of Salem…

Women in Leadership Retreat set for Feb. 18-19
Registration is now open for Ohio Conference’s Women in Leadership Retreat, which will take place Feb. 18-19 at the St. Francis Spirituality Center in Tiffin. The theme of the retreat is “Empowered by the Holy Spirit to lead like yourself.” The speaker for this retreat will be Rebecca Slough, academic dean emerita and professor emerita of worship and the arts…

New wineskins
By Dick Barrett Conference Minister “No one puts a piece of unshrunk cloth on an old garment, for the patch tears away from the garment, and a worse tear is made. Neither is new wine put into old wineskins. If it is, the skins burst and the wine is spilled and the skins are destroyed. But new wine is put…

Resources offer responses to pandemic challenges
By Ann Leaman Ohio Conference Resource Advocate This month I would like to highlight two resources, one primarily for pastors and one for families. What Now? MennoMedia is offering the “What Now?” series designed specifically for pastors as they navigate the challenges and opportunities that have emerged as a result of the global pandemic. In August, September, and October subscribers are…

Central Christian remains focused on its mission
Following a challenging 2020-21 school year, Central Christian School in Kidron is focusing on fulfilling its mission of developing Christian leaders. “Central Christian is on task with the mission of growing Christian leaders who know Christ and make Christ known,” said Interim Head Administrator Terry Shue. The staff is committed to that mission and to doing it through an Anabaptist…

Songs & Salsa to benefit Open Arms
Save the date: Open Arms Hispanic Ministries will hold its annual Songs & Salsa fundraising event on Sunday, Oct. 10, at 6 p.m. at Salem Mennonite Church, 3363 Zuercher Road, Dalton. Tortilla chips will be served with a variety of salsas and dips. The group Renacer from Goshen, Indiana, will provide music. A freewill offering will be taken to benefit…

Immigration Resource Team shares resources
The Ohio Conference Immigration Resource Team is continuing its work of raising awareness and sharing resources related to immigration. Scripture resource This summer, the Immigration Resource Team released a resource titled “A Biblical Guide to Immigration.” This guide, which includes a compilation of scriptures related to immigration, is suitable for both personal and congregational use. “A Biblical Guide to Immigration”…

MDT awards two Ministry Grants
The Ohio Conference Ministry Development Team (MDT) has awarded two grants totaling $2,750. The MDT approved these grants at its Aug. 24 meeting. Grants will provide funds toward the following projects: Youth Events — Lee Heights Community Church in Cleveland is receiving funding for two youth programs intended to promote personal development, career exploration and faith formation, a Youth Exposure Trip…

Being the church — challenge and calling
This episode of the Ohio Conference Cast podcast features an interview with Conference Minister Dick Barrett. Hosts Corben Weaver Boshart and Ramon Lianez talk with Dick about challenges facing the church today. Dick notes that he has been encouraged to view challenges as opportunities. “God has called us in this time for a specific reason,” he says. Listen to this…

Conference plans Women in Leadership Retreat
Ohio Conference will hold a Women in Leadership Retreat Feb. 18-19, 2022, at the St. Francis Spirituality Center in Tiffin, Ohio. The resource speaker will be Rebecca Slough, academic dean emerita and professor emerita of worship and the arts at Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary in Elkhart, Indiana. Please see the event flier for details. Registration information will be announced in…
Sonnenberg Mennonite plans anniversary celebration
Sonnenberg Mennonite Church in Kidron is celebrating its 200th anniversary Sept. 24-26 with a variety of events which are free and open to the public. Please see the Sonnenberg Anniversary Flier for details.

New Pastor Orientation held Aug. 15-16
Ohio Conference held a New Pastor Orientation Aug. 15-16 in Holmes County and Wayne County. Thirteen people participated, including Ohio Conference pastoral staff members. The orientation helped pastors new to the Ohio Conference learn to know each other and learn about resources available to them. In addition to visiting the Ohio Conference office in Kidron, participants spent time at MCC…

All-Ohio Conference Pastor Meeting features fellowship, worship and dialogue
By Dick Barrett Conference Minister On Aug. 5 congregational pastors from across Ohio Conference gathered at the Upper Sandusky Community Library for a time of fellowship, worship and discernment together. It was the first time they were able to gather in person in a year and a half. While fellowship was the highlight for the 28 ministers present, time was…

Workshop to feature conversations about baptism
Ohio Conference and Central District Conference are hosting a free workshop featuring ecumenical conversation about baptism on Saturday, Nov. 6, from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at Columbus Mennonite Church. “Believe and Be Baptized: Conversations on a 500-year Tradition” will be led by John D. Roth, a history professor at Goshen College. This workshop is open to all in the…

Living the dream!
By Dick Barrett Conference Minister One of the responses that I seem to get more and more frequently from people whom I encounter, after asking them how they are doing is, “I am (just) living the dream!” Of course, for almost all of them that response is meant to be sarcastic and negative. What they really want me to know…

Ohio Mennonite Relief Sale will be an in-person event this year
Wooster, Ohio — For 56 years, the Mennonite, Brethren, Apostolic and Amish churches of northeastern Ohio have worked together to create a festive event that raises funds for the work of Mennonite Central Committee. After a COVID-limited virtual auction in 2020, the Ohio Mennonite Relief Sale will return in person Aug. 6 and 7. The event will take place in…

Resources deal with considerations for in-person worship
By Ann Leaman Ohio Conference Resource Advocate As the COVID-19 pandemic enters a new phase and many local health restrictions are lifted, how should our congregations approach in-person worship? Anabaptist Worship Network has explored this topic in a recent webinar titled “Worship and Reopening Churches.” If you would like to watch a recording of this webinar, you can find it online…