All-Ohio Conference Pastor Meeting features fellowship, worship and dialogue

By Dick Barrett
Conference Minister
On Aug. 5 congregational pastors from across Ohio Conference gathered at the Upper Sandusky Community Library for a time of fellowship, worship and discernment together. It was the first time they were able to gather in person in a year and a half.
While fellowship was the highlight for the 28 ministers present, time was also spent discussing a proposed new Code of Ethics and Common Commitments for credentialed ministers of Ohio Conference. Also discussed was a proposal by the Leadership Team seeking feedback about how best to move forward as a conference over the next year with Mennonite Church USA’s pending resolution to retire its Membership Guidelines in May of 2022. As with their recent gatherings, there was a very good sense of collegiality and the Holy Spirit’s presence, which was especially uplifting after a prolonged time of challenge and isolation due to the pandemic.
Photos by Dick Barrett, Tony Doehrmann and Ralph Reinford