ACA resolution procedure announced
If you would like to propose a resolution for delegates to consider at Annual Conference Assembly (ACA), please note: At its Nov. 17 meeting, the Ohio Conference Leadership Team decided that this year all proposed resolutions must be submitted no later than three weeks prior to ACA. The deadline to submit a resolution is Feb. 10, 2023. If you have…

Central Christian School to host ACA
‘Doing Life Together: Rooted and Grounded in Love’ will be Assembly theme Central Christian School in Kidron will host the 2023 Annual Conference Assembly (ACA) March 3-4. The theme of this year’s gathering will be “Doing Life Together: Rooted and Grounded in Love,” based on Ephesians 3:16-21. In a letter to delegates, Conference Moderator Ken Sims wrote, “We look forward…

Registration is open for ACA
Online registration is open for the 2023 Annual Conference Assembly (ACA). Central Christian School in Kidron will host the 2023 ACA March 3-4. The theme of this year’s gathering will be “Doing Life Together: Rooted and Grounded in Love,” based on Ephesians 3:16-21. Pastors, please note this schedule change: This year the Pastor Appreciation Meal will be at lunchtime on…

Delegate News — 12-27-22
Winter cluster meetings start Jan. 17 Five winter cluster meetings have been scheduled for Ohio Conference delegates to Annual Conference Assembly. Each meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. and last approximately two hours. Locations are as follows: Jan. 17 — Maple Grove Mennonite Church, Hartville Jan. 19 — Toledo Mennonite Church Jan. 24 — Sharon Mennonite Church, Plain City Jan. 26 — Orrville…
Delegate News – 12-5-22
Winter cluster meetings start Jan. 17 Five winter cluster meetings have been scheduled for Ohio Conference delegates to Annual Conference Assembly. Each meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. and last between 1.5 and 2 hours. Locations are as follows: Jan. 17 — Maple Grove Mennonite Church, Hartville Jan. 19 — Toledo Mennonite Church Jan. 24 — Sharon Mennonite Church, Plain City Jan. 26 —…

Delegates approve new mission statement, Conference to review affiliation with MC USA
For photos from ACA and a summary video, please see Ohio Conference of Mennonite Church USA gathered in person for its Annual Conference Assembly (ACA) on March 4-5, 2022, at Zion Mennonite Church in Archbold, Ohio. The theme for the assembly was Befriending the Neighborhood: Am I a Good Neighbor? The focus was on the story of the Good…

ACA service project to benefit local ministries
As a service project at Annual Conference Assembly (ACA), Ohio Conference will be collecting items for Friendship House and Shepherd’s Circle, two organizations in the Archbold area that are working at sheltering people in crisis. Requested items include laundry detergent and four-packs of toilet tissue. ACA will take place March 4-5 at Zion Mennonite Church in Archbold. Have you registered…

Have you registered for ACA yet?
The deadline to register for Annual Conference Assembly (ACA) is approaching quickly. Have you registered yet? ACA will take place March 4-5 at Zion Mennonite Church in Archbold. Registrations for ACA are due Friday, Feb. 11. After that date, the registration fee increases from $45 per person to $60 per person. For more information about ACA, please see To…

Delegate News — Winter 2022
Winter cluster meeting dates set Ohio Conference is planning five winter cluster meetings for delegates to Annual Conference Assembly, beginning this week. Each meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. and last approximately 90 minutes. Locations are as follows: Jan. 18 — Bethel Mennonite Church, West Liberty Jan. 27 — Salem Mennonite Church, Kidron Feb. 1 — Tedrow Mennonite Church, Wauseon…

Zion Mennonite to host Assembly
Zion Mennonite Church in Archbold will host the 2022 Annual Conference Assembly (ACA) of the Ohio Conference March 4-5. The theme of this year’s gathering, based on Luke 10:25-37, will be “Befriending the Neighborhood: Am I a Good Neighbor?” Ohio Conference also will hold a missional conference at Zion Mennonite Church in Archbold immediately prior to ACA, on March 3-4.…

Register now for ACA, missional conference
Online registration is open for the 2022 Annual Conference Assembly (ACA). Zion Mennonite Church in Archbold will host the 2022 ACA March 4-5. The theme of this year’s gathering will be “Befriending the Neighborhood: Am I a Good Neighbor?” For more information about ACA, please see To register online, go to Register for ACA by Feb. 11. Zion…

Workshop ideas sought for Annual Conference Assembly
Ohio Conference is seeking suggestions for workshops for the Ohio Annual Conference Assembly, scheduled for March 4-5, 2022, at Zion Mennonite Church in Archbold, Ohio. This year, our theme will be “Befriending the Neighborhood: Am I a Good Neighbor?” (Luke 10:25-37) We are planning to meet in person, but if it is deemed best to go virtual, we may be…

Workshop recordings available
Ohio Conference held a series of online workshops during March and April. If you missed them, don’t worry. You can watch recordings of the workshops. See the Workshops page for the recordings. Watch the Recordings

Conference holds first virtual Assembly
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Ohio Conference held its 2021 Annual Conference Assembly (ACA) virtually rather than in person. On March 6 delegates from all around the Conference met on Zoom for business sessions and worship. One hundred thirty-three people registered for ACA, including 122 delegates from 32 congregations. Day includes worship In addition to business sessions, the online annual…
Recordings of ACA are online
Recordings of Annual Conference Assembly are available on the Ohio Conference website. Recordings include all three business sessions and the worship service. To view any of these recordings, go to

Ohio Conference to offer free online workshops
As winter turns to spring, Ohio Conference invites you to join with others across the Conference in the exploration of new ideas. During March and April, Ohio Conference is offering a series of free one-hour workshops on the Zoom videoconferencing platform. All workshops will take place on Thursdays, beginning at 7 p.m. These workshops, led by individuals from Ohio Conference…

Delegate News – Winter 2021 #3
We look forward to our time together We are looking forward to meeting online for Annual Conference Assembly (ACA) March 6. This year ACA will take place on the Zoom videoconferencing platform. This issue of Delegate News includes more information to help you prepare for ACA. Gifts Discernment Ministry to present slate at ACA At ACA delegates will be asked…

Register for ACA by Feb. 26
There’s still time to register for Annual Conference Assembly! Online registration is open for the 2021 missional conference on March 4 and 5 and Annual Conference Assembly (ACA) on March 6. Both events will take place on the Zoom videoconferencing platform. Brad Roth, pastor and author of God’s Country: Faith, Hope, and the Future of the Rural Church, will be…

ACA to be held online in 2021
For the first time in the history of the Ohio Conference, delegates from Conference congregations will not gather in person for Annual Conference Assembly (ACA). The 2021 ACA will be a virtual, one-day event, taking place March 6 on the Zoom videoconferencing platform. The theme for the 2021 ACA is “Come and See! The Mission of the Church in God’s…

Delegate News – Fall 2020
Fall regional meetings to be held online Ohio Conference will hold fall regional meetings for delegates online this year rather than meeting in person. These meetings will have a missional focus and will include input from the Ohio Conference Missional Resource Team. All delegates to Annual Conference Assembly are encouraged to participate. Four fall regional meetings are scheduled: Tuesday, Oct.…
ACA and Missional Conference to be held virtually
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Ohio Conference is planning to hold the 2021 Missional Conference and Annual Conference Assembly (ACA) virtually rather than in person. These events will take place March 4-6, 2021. The featured speaker for both events will be Brad Roth, pastor and author of God’s Country: Faith, Hope, and the Future of the Rural Church.

Delegates gather for business, worship
One hundred seventy-three people gathered at Sharon Mennonite Church in Plain City on March 7 for the 51st Annual Conference Assembly (ACA) of the Ohio Conference. Delegates from 36 congregations participated in the one-day meeting. Delegates worship In addition to business sessions, the one-day event included a time of worship, focusing on the theme “Hearts of Wisdom,” based on Psalm…
Volunteers accept Conference positions
Members of Ohio Conference congregations who volunteer their time play a vital role in Conference life. Without the help of numerous volunteers, many of the programs and functions of the Ohio Conference could not take place. Much of the work of Ohio Conference is done by the Leadership Team, the Ministry Development Team, the Credentialing Ministry, the Stewardship Ministry and…

ACA delegates invited to donate to Plain City Food Pantry
As a service project at Annual Conference Assembly (ACA), Ohio Conference will be collecting items for the Plain City Food Pantry. Please see the list of suggested donation items. ACA will take place March 7, 2020, at Sharon Mennonite Church in Plain City.

Have you registered for ACA yet?
The deadline to register for Annual Conference Assembly (ACA) is approaching quickly. Have you registered yet? ACA will take place March 7 at Sharon Mennonite Church in Plain City. Registrations for ACA are due Friday, Feb. 14. After that date, the registration fee increases from $30 to $45 per person. To register online, go to

Lodging list for ACA is updated
Registration is now open for the 2020 Annual Conference Assembly (ACA), which will be held Saturday, March 7, at Sharon Mennonite Church in Plain City. The theme of the 2020 ACA will be “Hearts of Wisdom,” based on Psalm 90:12. The registration deadline for ACA is Feb. 14. The cost to register is $30 for those who register by Feb. 14,…

Sharon Mennonite to host ACA
Sharon Mennonite Church in Plain City will host the 2020 Annual Conference Assembly (ACA) of the Ohio Conference on Saturday, March 7. The theme of this year’s gathering will be “Hearts of Wisdom,” based on Psalm 90:12. In each of the past several years, ACA has been held over a two-day period, and the Assembly has been preceded by a…

Delegate News — Winter 2020
Four cluster meetings planned Ohio Conference will hold four winter cluster meetings in January for delegates to Annual Conference Assembly. All meetings will begin at 6:30 p.m. and last about 90 minutes. The following meetings have been scheduled: Jan. 21 — Berlin Mennonite Church Jan. 23 — Salem Mennonite Church in Elida Jan. 28 — Zion Mennonite Church in Archbold…
Delegate News – Fall 2019
Plan to attend a regional gathering As part of our Gathered & Sent initiative Ohio Conference will be holding four regional gatherings this fall. These gatherings are in place of our traditional fall cluster meetings and are intended not just for pastors and delegates but for all persons from our congregations who want to learn about the exciting things that are…

Sharon Mennonite to host 2020 ACA
Mark your calendar: The 2020 Annual Conference Assembly of the Ohio Conference will be held March 7, 2020, at Sharon Mennonite Church in Plain City.