Glen Guyton
Youth Worker Retreat has been canceled
Ohio Conference’s Youth Worker Retreat, planned for Oct. 15-17 at Camp Luz in Kidron, has been canceled due to low registration.
Register now for Youth Worker Retreat
Sept. 24 is the deadline to register for the Ohio Conference Youth Worker Retreat. This event will take place Oct. 15-17 at Camp Luz in Kidron. Retreat speaker Glen Guyton, executive director of Mennonite Church USA, will focus on the theme “Equipped for the Journey: The who, what and how for youth workers.” We strongly encourage your congregation to GIFT this…
Equipping youth workers — an interview with Glen Guyton
How do we disciple young people in the church? How can we help them discover their calling in a cluttered world? In this episode of the Ohio Conference Cast podcast, Glen Guyton, the executive director of Mennonite Church USA, considers these questions and reflects on his years in youth ministry. He notes that we often don’t realize the long-term effects…
Retreat to focus on equipping youth workers
Coming Oct. 15-17, 2021: Ohio Conference is excited to announce its next youth worker retreat — Equipped for the Journey: The who, what and how for youth leaders. This event will be held at Camp Luz in Kidron. Glen Guyton, executive director of Mennonite Church USA, will be leading the retreat. Participants will be challenged to settle into who God is…
Glen Guyton to lead youth worker retreat
Ohio Conference will hold a youth worker retreat Oct. 15-17, 2021, at Camp Luz in Kidron. Glen Guyton, executive director of Mennonite Church USA, will lead the retreat, focusing on the theme Equipped for the Journey: The who, what and how for youth leaders. Participants will be challenged to settle into who God is calling them to be as leaders,…
Youth Worker Retreat
Ohio Conference will hold a Youth Worker Retreat Oct. 15-17 at Camp Luz in Kidron. Glen Guyton, executive director of Mennonite Church USA, will be the resource speaker for this retreat. The theme of this retreat is Equipped for the Journey: The who, what and how for youth leaders. Participants will be challenged to settle into who God is calling…
How do we #BringThePeace? A conversation with Glen Guyton
How do we #BringThePeace to our communities? Mennonite Church USA Executive Director Glen Guyton says, “People say that we are a historic peace church, but I say, hey, we need to be a peace church of today.” Learn more about Mennonite Church USA’s #BringThePeace campaign by listening to this episode of the Ohio Conference Cast. While visiting Ohio this month,…
MC USA Executive Director is coming to Ohio
Come and meet Glen Guyton, executive director of Mennonite Church USA! On Nov. 24 Glen will visit First Mennonite Church in Bluffton and offer the sermon based on John 17:20-23. Worship begins at 10:30 a.m. Later that day, at 6:30 p.m., Glen will share his vision for the denomination at a reception in First Mennonite’s fellowship hall. All are invited…
MC USA Executive Director coming to Ohio
Glen Guyton, executive director of Mennonite Church USA, is coming to Ohio. He will visit Sharon Mennonite Church in Plain City on Sunday, Sept. 23. The day’s events will include worship with Glen Guyton preaching, a question-and-answer session with Glen Guyton, a cornhole tournament with lunch provided, and an evening meeting, “Talk Back and Conversation with Glen.” If you plan to…
Meetings with MC USA Executive Director Glen Guyton
Glen Guyton, executive director of Mennonite Church USA, is coming to Ohio. He will visit Sharon Mennonite Church in Plain City on Sunday, Sept. 23. The day’s events will include worship with Glen Guyton preaching, a question-and-answer session with Glen Guyton, a cornhole tournament with lunch provided, and an evening meeting, “Talk Back and Conversation with Glen.” If you plan to…
Where does mission begin? Podcast explores MC USA, MMN and mission
Where does mission begin? With denominational leaders, at a mission agency, or in the local congregation? The guests on the latest episode of the Ohio Conference Cast encourage local congregations to be actively involved in mission. “We sense our call to walk alongside and empower churches to accomplish the vision that they have,” says Stanley Green, executive director of Mennonite…
Glen Guyton to be next executive director of MC USA
The MC USA Executive Board has announced that Glen Guyton will serve as the new executive director of Mennonite Church USA. He will begin a three-year term on May 1, 2018. To learn more, see