Retreat to focus on equipping youth workers
Coming Oct. 15-17, 2021: Ohio Conference is excited to announce its next youth worker retreat — Equipped for the Journey: The who, what and how for youth leaders. This event will be held at Camp Luz in Kidron.
Glen Guyton, executive director of Mennonite Church USA, will be leading the retreat.
Participants will be challenged to settle into who God is calling them to be as leaders and to allow discipleship to equip and call them to be mentors of others. They also will be challenged to take time to see God’s blessings during their journey. The retreat also will include times of worship, fellowship, team building and resourcing from other youth workers.
This retreat is designed for both youth pastors and volunteer youth workers.
We strongly encourage your congregation to GIFT this retreat to your youth workers. The cost of the retreat is only $125 per person for Ohio Conference congregations due to the generous underwriting of the Ohio Conference Ministry Development Team. In addition, a group discount is available. If three people from your congregation register, the fourth will attend at no additional cost.
For more information, including the retreat schedule, please see the retreat brochure. We hope that you will prayerfully consider equipping your youth workers with this weekend away for learning and encouragement.
To register for the retreat, please go to