Meghan Good

2018 ACA sermons now on website
Would you like to hear the sermons presented at the 2018 Annual Conference Assembly at Bluffton University? Recordings of the Friday evening (March 9) worship service featuring speaker Meghan Good and the Saturday morning (March 10) worship service featuring speaker Marvin Lorenzana are available on the Conference website. See “About Annual Assembly.”
Missional conference focuses on evangelism and discipleship
Just prior to Annual Conference Assembly, the Ohio Conference held the Gathered and Sent Missional Conference at Bluffton University March 8-9. One hundred eight people from across the Conference participated in this event. During four sessions, speakers Meghan Good and Marvin Lorenzana challenged common assumptions about evangelism and discipleship. Meghan Good, the teaching pastor at Trinity Mennonite Church in Glendale,…

Evangelism and discipleship – How are they related?
What’s the relationship between evangelism and discipleship? Ohio Conference Cast hosts Thomas Dunn and Bill Seymour discuss this question with Meghan Good and Marvin Lorenzana, the speakers at the Gathered and Sent Missional Conference at Bluffton University. Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS

Evangelism – Is Jesus Christ worth knowing for his own sake?
Ohio Conference Cast has come to Bluffton University! In this podcast episode, Ohio Conference Cast hosts Bill Seymour and Thomas Dunn discuss the Gathered and Sent Missional Conference with two conference participants, Sarah Geiser, and Robb Esh. On Thursday night, featured speaker Meghan Good, teaching pastor at Trinity Mennonite Church in Glendale, Arizona, opened the missional conference by talking about…
Conference to focus on evangelism, discipleship
Gathered and Sent, a missional conference, will precede the 2018 Annual Conference Assembly. It will take place March 8-9 at Bluffton University. Presenters will be Meghan Good, teaching pastor at Trinity Mennonite Church in Glendale, Arizona, and Marvin Lorenzana, discipleship initiatives director at Mennonite Mission Network. This conference will focus on growing as a good news community. Join us as…
Bluffton University to host ACA
Bluffton University will host the 2018 Annual Conference Assembly (ACA) of the Ohio Conference March 9-10. The theme of this year’s gathering will be “Gathered and Sent,” based on 1 Peter 2:9-10 and Luke 10:1-12. Ohio Conference also will hold a missional conference at Bluffton University immediately prior to ACA, on March 8-9. See page 3 for more missional conference…

Missional Conference Preview with Meghan Good
How do we communicate our faith as Anabaptists? What is the mission that God has entrusted to the church, and how do we actually, practically go about doing that effectively? The guest for this episode of the Ohio Conference Cast, Meghan Good, is interested in helping believers think about these questions. Meghan Good is the teaching pastor at Trinity Mennonite…
Missional conference to precede ACA
Meghan Good and Marvin Lorenzana will be the featured speakers at Gathered and Sent, the missional conference at Bluffton University March 8-9, 2018, immediately prior to Annual Conference Assembly. To download the event flier, click here: 2017 Missional Conference Flier.