Bluffton University to host ACA

Bluffton University will host the 2018 Annual Conference Assembly (ACA) of the Ohio Conference March 9-10. The theme of this year’s gathering will be “Gathered and Sent,” based on 1 Peter 2:9-10 and Luke 10:1-12.
Ohio Conference also will hold a missional conference at Bluffton University immediately prior to ACA, on March 8-9. See page 3 for more missional conference details.
Featured speakers during the worship services will be Meghan Good, the teaching pastor at Trinity Mennonite Church in Glendale, Ariz.; and Marvin Lorenzana, discipleship initiatives director at Mennonite Mission Network. They also will be the presenters at the missional conference preceding ACA.
Registration for ACA will begin Friday, March 9, at noon, followed by an orientation session for new delegates at 12:30 p.m. The first business session for delegates will begin at 1 p.m. ACA will conclude at 4 p.m. on Saturday after the final business session.
In addition to business sessions and worship services, ACA will include special times for prayer, workshops, displays, and a plenary session featuring Meghan Good and Marvin Lorenzana.
On Saturday morning there will be a Mennonite Men’s Breakfast and an Ohio Mennonite Women’s Breakfast. The Mennonite Men’s Breakfast will feature Steve Thomas, Mennonite Men coordinator, speaking on the topic “Healthy Masculinity.” The Ohio Mennonite Women’s Breakfast will feature Myrna Ramseyer, who will speak on the topic “Being a Kingdom Woman.”
The registration fee for ACA is $45 per person if received by Feb. 16, and $60 per person after that date. There is an additional charge for meals.
Registration forms and more information about ACA are available on the Ohio Conference website: To register online, go to