Mennonite Church USA
MC USA offers Lent At Home guide
(Mennonite Church USA) — Get ready for a holy feast. The Lent At Home resource based on the theme “Blessed Hunger…Holy Feast” is available now with materials for exploring God’s abundance and the season’s themes. The materials begin with Shrove Tuesday on March 5 and continue through Easter Sunday on April 21. The theme and Scriptures in the Lent At Home materials…
MC USA video series looks at leadership, structure
Mennonite Church USA has recently posted three presentations on YouTube addressing the denomination’s leadership, structure and polity. These presentations are from the Constituency Leaders Council (CLC) meeting which took place on Oct. 11-13, 2018, in Chicago. The three presenters are Michael Danner, associate executive director for church vitality and engagement; David Boshart, moderator; and Joy Sutter, moderator-elect. Use the links below…
MC USA News Service features Ohio Conference
A new feature article from the Mennonite Church USA News Service looks at the recent history of the Ohio Conference and explores the renewed sense of hopefulness in the Conference. You can find this article at
Special delegate assembly for MC USA canceled
The Executive Board of Mennonite Church USA (MC USA) has canceled the special delegate assembly which had been planned for Nov. 26, 2018. To learn more about this decision, please see the Letter to MC USA Delegates from MC USA Moderator David Boshart.
MC USA Executive Director coming to Ohio
Glen Guyton, executive director of Mennonite Church USA, is coming to Ohio. He will visit Sharon Mennonite Church in Plain City on Sunday, Sept. 23. The day’s events will include worship with Glen Guyton preaching, a question-and-answer session with Glen Guyton, a cornhole tournament with lunch provided, and an evening meeting, “Talk Back and Conversation with Glen.” If you plan to…
Meetings with MC USA Executive Director Glen Guyton
Glen Guyton, executive director of Mennonite Church USA, is coming to Ohio. He will visit Sharon Mennonite Church in Plain City on Sunday, Sept. 23. The day’s events will include worship with Glen Guyton preaching, a question-and-answer session with Glen Guyton, a cornhole tournament with lunch provided, and an evening meeting, “Talk Back and Conversation with Glen.” If you plan to…
MC USA releases ‘Pathways’ study guide
Mennonite Church USA has released a study guide, “Pathways,” to invite churchwide engagement in the denomination’s two-year Journey Forward process. The “Pathways” study guide, available online at, invites congregations and groups across Mennonite Church USA to engage in studying Scripture, singing, praying, storytelling, exploring Anabaptist history and values, and discussing how they see God working in their lives. The “Pathways”…
What’s holding us together? — Another conversation with Terry Shue
In this episode of the Ohio Conference Cast, hosts Bill Seymour and Thomas Dunn chat with Terry Shue, who recently completed his work with Mennonite Church USA as director of leadership development. Bill, Thomas and Terry discuss a wide range of topics, including (among other things) new staff members for Mennonite Church USA, Mennonite World Conference, and Terry’s hopes for…
Where does mission begin? Podcast explores MC USA, MMN and mission
Where does mission begin? With denominational leaders, at a mission agency, or in the local congregation? The guests on the latest episode of the Ohio Conference Cast encourage local congregations to be actively involved in mission. “We sense our call to walk alongside and empower churches to accomplish the vision that they have,” says Stanley Green, executive director of Mennonite…
Glen Guyton to be next executive director of MC USA
The MC USA Executive Board has announced that Glen Guyton will serve as the new executive director of Mennonite Church USA. He will begin a three-year term on May 1, 2018. To learn more, see
Shue announces resignation from MC USA role
Mennonite Church USA — Terry Shue has announced his resignation from his position as MC USA director of leadership development. His end date will be no later than June 1, 2018. See the complete news release at
Visual art sought for new hymnal
HARRISONBURG, Virginia — As the Resonate Team gathers material for a new hymnal, they are planning for a first-of-its-kind feature within Mennonite hymnals: including visual images that complement the musical and verbal rhythms of worship found in the collection. The Resonate Team is calling for visual artists to submit content to be considered for inclusion in the new collection. Interested…
Congregations invited to regional hymn sings
HARRISONBURG, Virginia — The Mennonite Worship and Song Committee, working under the name Resonate Team, has invited congregations to hold a “Great Day of Singing” this fall and has scheduled a series of 10 regional hymn sings. Two of these regional events will be held in Ohio: Oct. 8, 9:30 a.m. — Oak Grove Mennonite Church, Smithville, Ohio, led by…
Interview with Ervin Stutzman
In this episode of the Ohio Conference Cast, Ervin Stutzman, executive director of Mennonite Church USA, has a challenge for the Ohio Conference: “Stretch yourself a bit by hanging around with people sometimes who have a different perspective than you. You don’t have to be like them. You don’t have to make your church like theirs, but expect that there’ll…
Ervin Stutzman to hold meetings in Ohio
Ervin Stutzman, executive director of Mennonite Church USA, will be traveling through Ohio in June, and Ohio Conference has set up two meetings for delegates, pastors and other interested persons to meet with him. Those attending will hear him share about the upcoming MC USA convention in Orlando and the Future Church Summit*, which will take place at the convention.…
Meeting with Ervin Stutzman
Ervin Stutzman, executive director of Mennonite Church USA, will be visiting Ohio in June. He will hold meetings for delegates, pastors and other interested persons on June 8 and 9. He will be sharing about the upcoming Mennonite Church USA convention in Orlando and the Future Church Summit, which will take place during the convention.
Meeting with Ervin Stutzman
Ervin Stutzman, executive director of Mennonite Church USA, will be visiting Ohio in June. He will hold meetings for delegates, pastors and other interested persons on June 8 and 9. He will be sharing about the upcoming Mennonite Church USA convention in Orlando and the Future Church Summit, which will take place during the convention.
Talking with Terry Shue
Hosts Bill Seymour and Thomas Dunn talk with Terry Shue, director of leadership development for Mennonite Church USA, about a wide range of topics in this episode of the Ohio Conference Cast. They talk about the upcoming retirement of Mennonite Church USA Executive Director Ervin Stutzman, and they learn about the Future Church Summit, which will take place at the…