Immigrant Detainee Care Kits

Immigrant detainee care kits are touching lives
From Mennonite Central Committee Great Lakes: Thank you for your generous, heart-warming response to the desperate needs of migrants in crisis at the southern U.S. border! Since June 2019, churches and individuals across the Great Lakes region donated more than 350 kits and more than $65,000. MCC has provided a fact sheet which shows how your gifts are being utilized through…

Local congregations pack 175 immigrant detainee care kits
By Jennifer Steiner MCC Great Lakes On Oct. 2, area congregations gathered at Orrville Mennonite Church to learn about the current situation for border detainees and to work together on a tangible response. In a little over an hour, volunteers had packed 175 immigration detainee care kits to provide much-needed supplies for those being released from border detention. Volunteers assembled…

Immigration event to include care kit assembly
You’re invited to share God’s love and give your support to immigrant detainees on our southern border. Open Arms Hispanic Ministries invites you to come Wednesday, Oct. 2, at 7 p.m. for an immigration information update and MCC Immigration Detainee Care Kit assembly at Orrville Mennonite Church, 1305 W. Market St., Orrville. A representative from Mennonite Central Committee will provide…
Immigration Information Update/Immigrant Detainee Care Kit Assembly
You’re invited to share God’s love and give your support to immigrant detainees on our southern border. Open Arms Hispanic Ministries invites you to come Wednesday, Oct. 2, at 7 p.m. for an immigration information update and MCC Immigration Detainee Care Kit assembly at Orrville Mennonite Church, 1305 W. Market St., Orrville. A representative from Mennonite Central Committee will provide…