Immigration event to include care kit assembly
You’re invited to share God’s love and give your support to immigrant detainees on our southern border.
Open Arms Hispanic Ministries invites you to come Wednesday, Oct. 2, at 7 p.m. for an immigration information update and MCC Immigration Detainee Care Kit assembly at Orrville Mennonite Church, 1305 W. Market St., Orrville.
A representative from Mennonite Central Committee will provide insights on the current situation for border detainees and how MCC and its partners are sharing God’s love through care kit distributions to detainees being released from detention. Those attending will also have the opportunity to help assemble and pack care kits for shipping. All are invited to attend, and all are invited to bring completed kits to the meeting.
Churches who are joining together prior to the Oct 2 meeting to gather kit items can bring those items or completed kits to Orrville Mennonite Church, 1305 W. Market Street, Orrville, for holding and shipping. Dropoff hours are 9 a.m.-noon on four Mondays — Aug. 12, Aug. 26, Sept. 9 and Sept. 23 — or by special appointment. Kit items need to be collected and delivered to Orrville Mennonite by Sept. 23 to make final preparations for the Oct. 2 kit assembly evening.
For a list of kit contents, see the immigrant detainee care kit flier or go to
For questions or concerns, contact Open Arms via Haroldo Nunes at 330-933-9376 or or Kathy Troyer at