Conference Minister Search Committee

Please pray for conference minister interview process
The Conference Minister Search Committee has scheduled its first round of interviews for Monday and Tuesday, July 30 and 31. Please pray for the candidates and the search committee as they seek God’s guidance in this process. — Bob Sauder, Ohio Conference moderator
Search committee reports progress, asks for prayer
The Search Committee tasked with hiring a Conference Minister has been hard at work over the past six weeks. We have advertised in the Mennonite press, and reached out to constituency groups, seminaries and conference leaders to collect names and contact potential candidates. One of the challenges for our recruitment process is that many have not heard about the exciting…
Delegate News – Spring 2018
How much did you use the annual report book? At the 2018 Annual Conference Assembly, several delegates made suggestions about the annual report book given to each delegate. We are interested in hearing more about how delegates are using (or in some cases, not using) these report books as we weigh the importance of producing a printed report book for…
Conference minister search re-opens
In February the Leadership Team made the decision to hire a full-time conference minister, rather than seek someone to fill this important role part-time. This is possible because Ralph Reinford, regional pastor, will be moving to part-time hours by Nov. 1, 2018. The previous search committee has been recalled and reorganized, and the members of that committee have again begun…
Conference minister search enters new phase
The search for a new conference minister for Ohio Conference has entered a new phase. According to the search committee chair, John Rohrer, the committee has begun the process of interviewing candidates for this half-time position. A conference minister job description was publicized in the fall, and applications for the position were accepted through Nov. 30. The search committee is…

The search is on
In this episode of the Ohio Conference Cast, hosts Bill Seymour and Thomas Dunn discuss the search for a new half-time conference minister with Jeff Hochstetler, a member of the search committee. Jeff describes the type of person the search committee is seeking and talks about some of the expectations for this position. Since this episode of Ohio Conference Cast…