Delegate News – Spring 2018
How much did you use the annual report book?
At the 2018 Annual Conference Assembly, several delegates made suggestions about the annual report book given to each delegate.
We are interested in hearing more about how delegates are using (or in some cases, not using) these report books as we weigh the importance of producing a printed report book for delegates versus providing these reports online only.
Please take a few minutes to complete a very brief online survey about your report book use. This survey also includes questions about the ACA app which was available at Annual Conference Assembly. You will not be asked to give your name or congregation.
To take the survey, go to Please complete the survey by April 24. Thank you!
A note for church secretaries: If your congregation has delegates who do not have email, please print out copies of Delegate News for them. In addition, if any of your delegates do not have Internet access, please offer to complete the online survey for them.
Financial report from ACA is on Conference website
The 2018 financial report presented at Annual Conference Assembly by the Stewardship Ministry is now on the Ohio Conference website on the “Assembly Documents” page. This report is available both as a PowerPoint file and a PDF file. Several other ACA documents are also there, including the 2018-19 Narrative Spending Plan approved by delegates, the conference minister announcement, and the resolution of appreciation for Regional Pastors Ralph Reinford and Cliff Brubaker.
Conference minister search re-opens, application deadline is June 30
As Moderator Bob Sauder told delegates at ACA, the Ohio Conference Leadership Team has decided that the Conference should hire a full-time conference minister. All members who previously served on the Conference Minister Search Committee have agreed to serve on the committee again, and Paula Snyder Belousek is chairing the committee. The application deadline for this position is June 30. To read an announcement about the search process, go to To see a complete job description, go to