Voices Together
Voices Together workshop is for worship leaders
Benton Mennonite Church is sponsoring a Voices Together worship leaders’ workshop on Saturday, May 14, from 9 a.m. to noon on Zoom. Anneli Loepp Thiessen and Katie Graber will provide background on worship resources in Voices Together and the Voices Together worship leader edition, highlighting uses in worship as well as the styles, cultures, and eras they represent. They will…

Hymnal-related resources are online
By Ann Leaman Ohio Conference Resource Advocate This month I would like to highlight a resource from MennoMedia. The publisher has created a special website with information about the new hymnal Voices Together. Found at http://voicestogetherhymnal.org, the website offers a guide for introducing Voices Together to your congregation. In addition, this website has a wide variety of resources related to…

Voices Together accompaniment edition recalled
Due to a manufacturing defect with the binding, MennoMedia is recalling the accompaniment edition of Voices Together. If you would like a replacement copy, please fill out the online form at http://bit.ly/VTRecall by May 1, 2021. After the May 1 deadline, replacement copies will no longer be provided. If you are unsure if your copy is a recalled version or…
MennoMedia shares answers to copyright and licensing questions
Church services on Zoom, streaming, podcasting, screensharing — all of these practices raise questions of copyright, especially in relation to the new Voices Together worship and song collection. MennoMedia has assembled a comprehensive resource to answer all of your copyright questions. Up-to-date information, downloadable pdfs, and specifics about the Voices Together audio recordings and projection edition can all be found…

Voices Together dedication is Dec. 13
A reminder for music lovers: MennoMedia is holding an online dedication launch event for the new Voices Together hymnal on Dec. 13 from 5 to 7 p.m. ET. The event will include both a time of worship and an overview of the creation process for the hymnal. Although the event is free, registration is required to receive the Zoom link.…

Online dedication planned for Voices Together
MennoMedia is holding an online dedication launch event for the new Voices Together hymnal on Dec. 13 from 5 to 7 p.m. ET. This event will include a time to worship with new songs and resources, hear stories, and offer blessings for Voices Together and all who receive it. After this time of worship, there will be an overview of the process…
Seminary short course to introduce Voices Together
A Worship Leader’s Introduction to Voices Together. Join Katie Graber, Ph.D., and Anneli Loepp Thiessen, M.M., to explore how your worship can grow in vitality through understanding the new Voices Together hymnal within the unique culture of your church community. This online AMBS short course from Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary lasts six weeks. CEUs are available. See ambs.edu/worshipleaders for details.

MennoMedia to publish Voices Together song collection
The new worship and song collection for Mennonite Church USA and Mennonite Church Canada will be called Voices Together. The new hymnal will be available in fall 2020 in a variety of formats. Read the full news release from MennoMedia at http://bit.ly/MennoMediaVoicesTogether.