We look forward to our time together

We are looking forward to meeting online for Annual Conference Assembly (ACA) March 6. This year ACA will take place on the Zoom videoconferencing platform. This issue of Dele­gate News includes more information to help you prepare for ACA.

Gifts Discernment Ministry to present slate at ACA

At ACA delegates will be asked to affirm a slate of individuals for Conference positions as presented by the Gifts Discernment Ministry. A copy of the slate is included with this issue of Delegate News. The first page lists information about the nomi­nees, and the remaining pages include photos of these individuals.

2021 ACA – Gifts Discernment Slate

Narrative spending plan now available

At winter regional meetings, the Stew­ardship Ministry pre­sented a proposed budget for 2021-22 which gave a broad outline of projected spending for the com­ing year. In prepara­tion for ACA, the Stewardship Ministry has prepared a more detailed narrative spending plan for the coming fiscal year. Please download a copy of this spending plan and bring any questions you have about the plan to ACA. During the business sessions there will be time for questions before delegates are asked to af­firm the plan.

2021-22 OC Narrative Spending Plan

Annual report book is online
Please download your copy

Each year Ohio Conference pro­duces an annual report book for delegates to Annual Conference Assembly. This year, the report book is available as a PDF. Please go to http://bit.ly/2021OCAnnualReportBook to download a copy of the report book.

The book includes reports from Ohio Conference ministry groups, staff members, partner organiza­tions, related organizations, and churchwide agen­cies. Please take time to read these reports before ACA on March 6. Links to all the reports are also available on the Ohio Conference website: http://bit.ly/OhioConferenceReports.

Register for ACA by Feb. 26

Speaking of ACA, have you registered yet? Online registration is still open for ACA at https://bit.ly/OCACA2021.

We ask that all del­egates register for ACA by Feb. 26. After that date, the registration fee in­creases from $20 to $25 per person.

For more information about ACA, including the schedule, please see https://bit.ly/ACAInfo2021.

Please encourage your congregation to attend the missional conference

Feb. 26 also is the registration deadline for the 2021 missional conference on the evenings of March 4 and 5. This event also will take place on the Zoom videoconferencing platform.

Online registration is available at https://bit.ly/2021MissionalConference.

Brad Roth, pastor and author of God’s Country: Faith, Hope, and the Future of the Rural Church, will be the presenter for this conference, which has the theme “Come and See! The Mission of the Church in God’s Country.”

It is sometimes hard to expect renewal and new expressions of mission to emerge from the rural church, but mission can flow from there. Based on John 1:35-51 and 1 Peter 3:15-16a, this conference will focus on the work of God in our rural churches and communities. We invite you to come and join others seeking a new vision for mission in God’s country.

Please invite other members of your congregation to participate in the missional conference as well. Ohio Conference is offering a special group rate to congregations for this event.  For every four paid registrations, a fifth person can register at no additional cost. To take advantage of this discount, simply register four persons at one time and use the PayPal option to pay the registration fee. Then register the fifth person separately and mark “pay by check,” but do not send a check.

The registration cost for the 2021 missional con­ference is $20 per person, with a special rate of $10 per person for young adults under age 30. After Feb. 26, the registration fee increases to $25 per person.

To register for the missional conference, go to https://bit.ly/2021MissionalConference.

Additional information about this event is online at https://bit.ly/2021MissionalConferenceInfo.

Regional meeting recording available

If you missed the winter regional meetings for delegates (or you would like to review the infor­mation presented), you can view a recording of the West Central/Southwest Ohio region­al meeting which was held on Feb. 4.

To view the recording, go to https://bit.ly/OCWinter2021WestCentral and enter the pass­word $N%fdqM6.