Young adults will gather for a week of exploring biblical peacemaking and learning practical skills to implement in their daily lives at the Young Adult Peace Camp at Amigo Centre in Sturgis, Michigan. (MCC photo)

Coming this summer: Peace Camp. Mennonite Central Committee Great Lakes is offering a week-long Peace Camp at Amigo Centre in Sturgis, Michigan, July 21-26. This experience is for young adults ages 18-22 who are interested in learning about a biblical approach to peace and justice.

During Peace Camp, young adults will explore the theme of “Responding to Violence” through hands-on learning. The week includes a trip to Chicago with MCC partners working with gun violence prevention. Other focus topics include conflict transformation, anti-racism, bystander training and restorative justice. The base participant fee is $300, and scholarships are available on a case-by-case basis. Registration is due June 1.

For more information and registration, see or contact either Jes Stoltzfus Buller (MCC Peace Education Coordinator) at or Juan Pacheco (MCC Great Lakes Peace and Justice Coordinator) at