Giving increases during December

Giving to Ohio Conference increased greatly during December, according to figures provided by Financial Coordinator Stan Helmuth. In fact, the amount received in December was more than double the amount received in any other month of the current fiscal year. (See the chart below for details.)
Receipts for December totaled $60,171. Of that amount, $41,174 came from congregational giving. During December giving from individuals was also very strong. In response to a year-end appeal from Conference Moderator Bob Sauder, individuals gave a total of $15,133.
Expenses for the month totaled just $30,041, resulting in a surplus of $30,130 for the month. As a result, the Conference operating balance was -$6,446 at the end of December, a great improvement from the balance at the end of November, -$36,576. Thank you to all who contributed! The Conference fiscal year ends March 31, 2019.