Women in Ministry

Webinar to focus on women in ministry
In honor of Women’s History Month, Mennonite Church USA (MC USA) is sponsoring a webinar, “The Hope-Filled Persistence of Women in Ministry,” on Monday, March 11, at 7 p.m. This webinar will look at the lives of MC USA women in ministry across the generations and today. Rev. Amy Zimbelman, conference minister of Mountain States Mennonite Conference, and Elizabeth Johnson,…

Ohio Conference Leadership Team Announcement: Resignation of Sherah-Leigh Gerber as regional pastor
It was with sadness that the Leadership Team of Ohio Conference recently accepted the resignation of Sherah-Leigh Gerber as our regional pastor in the east. Sherah-Leigh was called to this role of regional pastor because of her unique skill set and gifting, and her presence and contributions will be greatly missed. One of the primary reasons she gave for her…
Anabaptist World article focuses on women in ministry in Ohio Conference
Anabaptist World has published an article about women in ministry in the Ohio Conference. You can read it at http://bit.ly/AWorldWomeninMinistry.

Leadership Team affirms women in ministry
Several months ago, the Ohio Conference Leadership Development Resource Team surveyed pastors and leaders of Ohio Conference congregations about attitudes regarding women in ministry. The team has shared their findings with the Ohio Conference Leadership Team. Below is a response from the Leadership Team: The Leadership Team has gratefully received the work of the Leadership Development Resource Team’s Summary of…