Women in Leadership
MC USA webinars focus on women in leadership
A recording of the webinar “The Hope-Filled Persistence of Women in Ministry” is now available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyPPI_ubb6A&t=3s. Mennonite Church USA’s next Women in Leadership webinar will be on April 23 at 7 p.m. ET. Register at https://MCUSA.zoom.us/…/register/WN_bWnkm9zcRqmiPfnX_zg1PQ.

Retreat will equip women to use leadership gifts
Online registration is open for the Ohio Conference Women in Leadership Retreat planned for Feb. 2-3, 2024, at the Lial Renewal Center in Whitehouse, Ohio. The retreat will feature Jewel Gingerich Longenecker of Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary, who will focus on the theme “Finding Your Voice.” This retreat will explore what it means for women to lead as their authentic…

Women’s leadership conference planned
Mennonite Mission Network and Mennonite Women USA are planning a women’s leadership conference Sept. 29-Oct. 2, 2022, in Elkhart, Indiana. The theme of this gathering will be “Leaders Inspiring Leaders.” Conference events will take place at the Mennonite Church USA offices and on the campus of Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary. African American women will lead the conference through prophetic witness…

Women leading, empowered by the Holy Spirit
By Alysa Short Coordinator of Volunteers Ohio Conference held a retreat for women in leadership Feb. 18-19 at the St. Francis Spirituality Center in Tiffin, Ohio. Twenty-three women from around Conference participated in this overnight retreat led by Rebecca Slough, academic dean and professor of worship and the arts emerita at Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary in Elkhart, Indiana. Focusing on…

Women in Leadership Retreat set for Feb. 18-19
Registration is now open for Ohio Conference’s Women in Leadership Retreat, which will take place Feb. 18-19 at the St. Francis Spirituality Center in Tiffin. The theme of the retreat is “Empowered by the Holy Spirit to lead like yourself.” The speaker for this retreat will be Rebecca Slough, academic dean emerita and professor emerita of worship and the arts…

Women in Leadership Retreat
Ohio Conference will hold a Women in Leadership Retreat Feb. 18-19, 2022, at the St. Francis Spirituality Center in Tiffin. The input speaker for this retreat will be Rebecca Slough, academic dean emerita and professor emerita of worship and the arts at Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary. Retreat planners are encouraging every Ohio Conference congregation to send at least one woman…

Women in Leadership Retreat planned for February
Update: This retreat has been postponed until the fall of 2021. Save the date: Ohio Conference will hold a Women in Leadership Retreat Feb. 5-6, 2021, at the St. Francis Spirituality Center in Tiffin. The input speaker for this retreat will be Rebecca Slough, academic dean emerita and professor emerita of worship and the arts at Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary.…