Gathered and Sent Missional Conference
Missional conference focuses on evangelism and discipleship
Just prior to Annual Conference Assembly, the Ohio Conference held the Gathered and Sent Missional Conference at Bluffton University March 8-9. One hundred eight people from across the Conference participated in this event. During four sessions, speakers Meghan Good and Marvin Lorenzana challenged common assumptions about evangelism and discipleship. Meghan Good, the teaching pastor at Trinity Mennonite Church in Glendale,…
Evangelism – Is Jesus Christ worth knowing for his own sake?
Ohio Conference Cast has come to Bluffton University! In this podcast episode, Ohio Conference Cast hosts Bill Seymour and Thomas Dunn discuss the Gathered and Sent Missional Conference with two conference participants, Sarah Geiser, and Robb Esh. On Thursday night, featured speaker Meghan Good, teaching pastor at Trinity Mennonite Church in Glendale, Arizona, opened the missional conference by talking about…