
Leadership Council gathers for retreat
The new Ohio Conference Leadership Council met April 24-25 at Our Lady of the Pines Retreat Center in Tiffin, OH. The purpose of our retreat was to get to know one another better and to intentionally set time aside to review the 2024-26 Strategic Plan that was approved at our recent Annual Conference Assembly. As the Leadership Council gathered it…

Centered around Jesus
By Dan Miller Interim Conference Minister As I’ve been learning about Ohio Conference, hoping to hear the Spirit, and engaging in our work together, Philippians 2:5-11 is a passage that’s stuck out to me. Many scholars think this was a hymn used in early church worship that exalted how he went about his mission. Here are verses 5-8: Let this…

Oak Grove Mennonite Preschool outreach
By Miriam Zehr Retired associate pastor of Worship and Education at Oak Grove Mennonite Church Oak Grove Mennonite Preschool has been in operation since 1975. It offers programming for three- and four-year-olds on Tuesday and Thursday mornings and for four– and five-year-olds on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings during the school year. We have had many connections with community families…