Congregational Pastors’ Gathering

Pastors to meet June 15
Attention, pastors: Ohio Conference is hosting a Congregational Pastors’ Gathering at Der Dutchman Restaurant in Plain City on Wednesday, June 15, from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. This gathering will be a time to pastorally process the MC USA Special Delegate Assembly experience. If you are able to attend, please reserve your complimentary lunch with Judy King at the Conference office…
Congregational Pastors’ Gathering
Attention, pastors: Ohio Conference is hosting a Congregational Pastors’ Gathering at Der Dutchman Restaurant in Plain City on Wednesday, June 15, from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. This gathering will be a time to pastorally process the MC USA Special Delegate Assembly experience. If you are able to attend, please reserve your complimentary lunch with Judy King at the Conference office…