Conference Review Process

Living Out God’s Greatest Commandments and Jesus’ Great Commission
By Dan Miller Interim Conference Minister We wish you a Merry Christmas We wish you a Merry Christmas We wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year! The Ohio Conference staff hopes you had a meaningful celebration of Christ’s birth, and that you were able to be with people you love. We pray that you can begin 2024…

How is the Holy Spirit at work in the Ohio Conference?
In this episode of the Ohio Conference Cast, Jacob Dodson and Bill Seymour talk with Conference Minister Dick Barrett about the current season of review and discernment taking place in the Ohio Conference. Listen to the episode to hear Dick Barrett discuss how the Holy Spirit is at work during this time and to hear his reflections on how the…
Consultant to assist in Conference review
The Ohio Conference Leadership Team has approved entering into an agreement with Design Group International to assist in a three-part Conference review. The Leadership Team is taking this step based on feedback from delegates at the March 2022 Annual Conference Assembly. Delegates overwhelmingly affirmed the idea of using a process consultant to assist the Conference over the upcoming two years.…