Volunteers accept Conference positions
Members of Ohio Conference congregations who volunteer their time play a vital role in Conference life. Without the help of numerous volunteers, many of the programs and functions of the Ohio Conference could not take place.
Much of the work of Ohio Conference is done by the Leadership Team, the Ministry Development Team, the Credentialing Ministry, the Stewardship Ministry and the Gifts Discernment Ministry. Delegates at Annual Conference Assembly affirmed the following individuals for service:
Name: Kenneth (Ken) Sims
Home congregation: Sharon (Plain City)
Occupation: Everence financial client services representative – Retiring on Sept. 30, 2022
Previous service: Elder – Lee Heights Community Church (eight years), elder – Sharon Mennonite Church (seven years), adult Sunday school teacher (15 years), member of Ohio Conference Ministry Development Team (six years)
Family information: Married to Grace (Hostetler) Sims for 52 years; three adult children; seven grandchildren; four grand-dogs; one outdoor cat (Zoe)
Goals: I am looking forward to meeting and working with the Leadership Team, connecting with other churches and congregations in the Conference, and assisting with the leading of meetings and discussions of Conference business.
Hobbies/special interests: Reading, working on cars (performance), bicycle riding, and cooking (grilling), but I am very comfortable around the kitchen.
Gifts Discernment Ministry ─ Chair
Name: Jared Chase
Home congregation: Sharon (Plain City)
Occupation: Pastor
Previous service: Served as youth pastor at Sharon for nine years. At the Conference level I have helped in planning some Conference retreats such as the missional festival and youth ministry-related retreats and now the youth worker webinar series upcoming in March through May.
Family information: Sarah and I have been married for 16 years. We have three wonderful children: Emma (13), Noah (10), and Julia (4). Our latest adventure has been welcoming a mini-goldendoodle to the bunch. His name is Milo.
Goals: COVID has exposed a lot of things about church and the way it’s been done over the last 10 to 20 years. Is it time we begin to think about new ways of doing things? My prayer is that as a conference we can be open to think about things in new ways. I plan to serve in that same way, holding this opportunity with open hands as I seek to honor God in the conversations I have and the connections that I make in this new role.
Hobbies/special interests: Spending as much time as I possibly can with family. Over the last year I have been really challenged with establishing a better balance of my time between work and family. Spending intentional time with my family both collectively and individually over my sabbatical last fall reminded me of how important those times are while I still have the opportunities.
Credentialing Ministry ─ Chair
Name: Myron Weaver
Home congregation: Maple Grove (Hartville)
Occupation: Orrvilla executive director
Previous service: Pastor at Maple Grove Mennonite and Berlin Mennonite, member of an Ad hoc committee of Ohio Conference, member of Credentialing Ministry
Family information: I am married to Sheryl, and we have two sons: Adam is married to Kim, and they have two children; Jarrod is married to Amanda, and they have two children.
Goals: To serve current pastors in a way that helps them be the best they can be for the Kingdom of God and the congregation they serve. To encourage congregations to consider ways of calling individuals sitting in their pews to the pastorate.
Hobbies/special interests: I enjoy reading, bicycling, traveling with Sheryl and friends, and volunteering.
Ministry Development Team ─ Faith Focus
Name: Dave Elkins
Home congregation: Central (Archbold)
Occupation: Pastor
Previous service: Ministry Development Team (several years ago)
Family information: Becky Elkins, spouse; Kaitlyn and Abby Elkins, daughters
Goals: To encourage and support the mission of Ohio Conference
Hobbies/special interests: Reading
Ministry Development Team ─ Worship Focus
Name: Valerie Jones
Home congregation: South Union (West Liberty)
Occupation: Retired medical social worker and leadership consultant
Previous service: Sunday school teacher at Sharon Mennonite; pianist at Sharon and South Union; Everence advocate for South Union; South Union representative on Green Hills Community Board of Directors, West Liberty
Family information: Married to Gary Jones
Goals: My goal is to honor God while being and doing my best to be a helpful contributor to the Ministry Development Team. The role of Worship Focus Leader is intriguing. Being a pastor’s daughter, I have always been in church and, over the years, have experienced many different types of worship. With an inquisitive mind and a passion for the Lord, my goal is to be a resource to Conference leaders and congregations as they seek to worship God in fullness and grace.
Hobbies/special interests: Playing the piano, reading, and traveling
Stewardship Ministry ─ Endowment Focus
Name: Bruce Breckbill
Home congregation: Salem (Kidron)
Occupation: Managing director, Everence Northeast Ohio market
Previous service: Member of Stewardship Ministry
Family information: Married to Jill Detweiler Breckbill; three adult children, no pets.
Goals: Find ways to promote generosity and godly stewardship. Generous people are happy people. Generosity is contagious.
Hobbies/special interests: Gardening. In particular, growing hot peppers and making hot sauces.
Stewardship Ministry ─ Stewardship Focus
Name: Marion Beyeler
Home congregation: Orrville
Occupation: Retired
Previous service: Member of Stewardship Ministry Team, Conference moderator
Stewardship Ministry ─ Finance Focus
Name: Steve Schmid
Home congregation: Wooster
Occupation: Retired – business leadership
Previous service: Member of Ministry Development Team
Family information: Married to Cathy
Goals: To contribute to the Stewardship program and learn from other team members
Hobbies/special interests: Woodworking, candle making, volunteering with other organizations
Stewardship Ministry ─ Endowment Focus
Name: Chelsea Waidelich
Home congregation: West Clinton (Wauseon)
Occupation: Accountant
Previous service: Member of Stewardship Ministry Team
Credentialing Ministry
Name: LaVerne Yousey
Home congregation: Summit (Barberton)
Occupation: Retired professor
Previous service: Member of Credentialing Ministry Team
Gifts Discernment Ministry
Name: Heather Myers
Home congregation: Tedrow (Wauseon)
Occupation: Teacher
Previous service: Junior youth leader, Sunday school teacher, member of music team, chorister, Missions Committee member
Family information: I am married to Tim Myers and am mother to three sons: Jacob and Levi are students at Eastern Mennonite University, and Samuel is a junior at Pettisville High School.
Goals: To serve the Ohio Conference in the area of gifts discernment
Hobbies/special interests: Reading, playing guitar/singing, gardening, being physically active, spending time outdoors and enjoying time with family and friends
Gifts Discernment Ministry
Name: Ken Neuenschwander
Home congregation: Sonnenberg (Kidron)
Occupation: Retired – owner management at Kidron Electric
Previous service: Current chair of the Outreach & Service Ministry at Sonnenberg and serving on Lighthouse and Open Arms boards
Family information: Wife, Connie; four grown children and four grandchildren
Goals: To match willing and capable persons with the responsibilities in the Conference
Hobbies/special interests: I really enjoy fixing and creating things in my shop. I especially like working with wood and making things for the grandchildren.
Gifts Discernment Ministry
Name: Lucas Johnson
Home congregation: Valley View (Spartansburg, Pennsylvania)
Occupation: Pastor
Gifts Discernment Ministry
Name: Matt Weaver
Home congregation: Lockport (Stryker)
Occupation: Pastor
Family information: Married to Megan, with three children, Natelie, Zoey and Robbie
Goals: To assist the conference in living into its new mission statement by finding gifted and willing individuals to serve in various positions. To get to know more of Ohio Conference’s inner workings to better understand the ministry we do.
Hobbies/special interests: Cooking and baking, reading and gardening, singing, piano and soccer
Gifts Discernment Ministry
Name: Sher Speigle Byler
Home congregation: First (Canton)
Occupation: I am a counselor/therapist with Sharon S Byler Counseling.
Previous service: I previously served as associate pastor at Oak Grove Mennonite, Smithville (1987-1992) and on the Stewardship Ministry Team of Ohio Conference (2014-2016) . At First Mennonite (Canton) I am currently serving as treasurer. I have also served as an elder and have chaired the Gift Use Committee, Pastoral Transition Team and Pastoral Search Team.
Family information: I am married to Lorin Byler.
Goals: My goal for my service with the Gifts Discernment Ministry is to be open to God’s Spirit in discerning the gifts needed in Ohio Conference leadership and assisting in identifying those who possess those gifts.
Hobbies/special interests: I like to read fiction books, especially mysteries.