Immigration Resource Team seeks information
From the Immigration Resource Team: It’s been about four months since Annual Conference Assembly 2019, when delegates passed a resolution on immigration. Time for a checkup! We’re wondering what’s happening in Ohio Conference congregations. Did delegates do a good job informing their churches about the various components of the resolution? Are churches praying regularly for the needs of immigrants and asking for the Spirit’s leading in seeking to minister to their needs? Have churches received and distributed MCC’s flier about Immigration Detainee Care Kits? (See the related announcement for details about these kits.) Have pastors used any biblical texts on “welcoming the stranger” in recent sermons*?
News reports indicate that the situation is only worsening on our southern border. We should be praying, “Lord Jesus, show us, as your followers, what we can do.” Our team would love to hear what’s happening at your church! Please send your report to
*Pastor Matt Reed at Beech Mennonite Church is to be commended for a four-Sunday sermon series on immigration! He would be happy to share his excellent sermon outlines with anyone interested. You may contact him at