Everence resource focuses on generous living

By Lois Bontrager
Ohio Conference Resource Advocate
Here’s a great resource from Everence: Generous Living in a Self-Centered World: Biblical Models of Generosity. This resource is a six-week course in which you will be introduced to a variety of generosity models found in scripture. Our challenge as 21st-century followers of Jesus is to take the lessons described in scripture, understand their context and then apply the time-tested principles to our own day. This is no small challenge, but worth the effort. In this study, you will start with the story of Cain and Abel from Genesis 4 and end with the Apostle Paul. You will explore a variety of biblical stories and discuss the connection with our first-world American context.
The best part of this study is that you can go to the Everence website and download all the material free of charge! See to download.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me: Lois Bontrager at loisbon1950@gmail.com or give me a call at 330-705-8488.