MDT to accept proposals for grants
For the fifth year in a row, the Ohio Conference Ministry Development Team (MDT) is accepting proposals from Conference congregations and related organizations for projects and mission initiatives. This year, the MDT has $21,614 available for grants.
In light of the current Year of Mission focus within Ohio Conference, the MDT will give preference to proposals that are particularly mission oriented. Priority will also be given to projects that are new initiatives or projects that could not be carried out without the grant funding. Proposals could be for projects that are local, regional, or global in scope; be creative!
Please note that this is a one-time grant. Grant monies are not intended to be used for staffing.
Grant proposals are due by July 18, 2016. You may either submit an online application or mail a printed application form to Ohio Conference, Box 210, Kidron OH 44636.
The Ministry Development Team will consider all grant proposals at its Aug. 1 meeting. To apply online or to learn more about the grant process, see Ministry Grants.