Flat Menno recently traveled to Wayne County and spent time learning more about Martins Mennonite Church in Orrville.  He was able to take part in a variety of activities.
Randy Murray, pastor at Martins Mennonite, welcomes Flat Menno.


During worship services Flat Menno enjoyed the skits about the Wise Men as the congregation learned more about “Floods of Mercy.”


Flat Menno joined a group from Martins which helped load boxes at Wooster Mennonite Church with gifts to be dispersed by People to People.


Flat Menno joined the Venture Club and friends as they enjoyed time together playing games and learning more about God.


The Venture Club and Flat Menno spent time making homemade cookies.
The MYF Soup Fundraiser meal was enjoyed by all, including Flat Menno.


Flat Menno especially enjoyed the ice cream and homemade cutout cookies at the MYF Soup Fundraiser.
Flat Menno also was on hand when some travelers from Dodoma Mennonite Church in Tanzania visited Martins Mennonite. Pictured from left to right are Becky Blackford of Martins Mennonite, Esther Amos Muhagachi, Bishop Amos Joseph Muhagachi (with Flat Menno), Rev. Musa Nyamasa Marwa, Rev. Manase Nicodemus Mhana and Tom Kauffman, Conference Minister of the Ohio Conference of Mennonite Church USA.