Ohio Conference Congregations—

Within Ohio Conference we are working towards strengthening the missional investment of our constituents and member congregations. We know that our congregations are reaching out to the communities which they are in and
participating in God’s mission. We want others to know what your congregation is up to!
Over the next two weeks, the Ministry Development Team is inviting your congregation to document some of the missional activities of your church by showing “Flat Menno” around. Please take some pictures of Flat Menno participating with your congregation in worship and mission. Send the photos along with some brief explanations of the activities and people in the
photos to Ann Leaman (ohioevangel@earthlink.net) to be posted on our Conference Blog, where you will be able to see what other Conference congregations are doing. (Digital photos are preferred, but if needed you may send printed photos to Ann
Leaman at 5854 Sunland St. NE, Louisville OH 44641.)
We encourage you to introduce Menno to your congregation, showing the blog site in worship or using the prepared PowerPoint slides to introduce this project, available on our website (www.ohiomennoniteconference.org).
We hope you will check back regularly to learn what Menno has been up to in other Conference congregations.
After two weeks, please mark your name off the enclosed list and pass Menno along with this information to another congregation listed. If you can’t hand Menno off in person, please use a flat rate envelope to pass him along.
Thank you for sharing about the ministry and mission of your congregation.
Mary Newcomer
On behalf of the Ministry Development Team