Flat Menno meets other travelers
Flat Menno is on the move again! On Monday, Nov. 26, he traveled to the Ohio Conference office in Kidron along with Conference Minister Tom Kauffman and four special guests from Dodoma, Tanzania. Toledo Mennonite is developing a sister church relationship with Dodoma Mennonite Church, and as part of that relationship, four church representatives from Dodoma have been visiting
Toledo. They are Bishop Amos Joseph Muhagachi, his wife Esther Amos Muhagachi, Rev. Manase Nicodemus Mhana and Rev. Musa Nyamasa Marwa. As part of their time in Ohio, they traveled to Kidron to meet with some of the Ohio Conference staff and see several other points of interest, such as the Choice Books warehouse and MCC Connections.
After lunch and conversation, several Ohio Conference staff members and the visitors from Dodoma Mennonite Church took time for photos. Pictured left to right are Ohio Conference Financial Coordinator Stan Helmuth, Rev. Manase Nicodemus Mhana, Regional Pastor Matt Hamsher (with Flat Menno), Bishop Amos Joseph Muhagachi, Esther Amos Muhagachi, Conference Minister Tom Kauffman, Rev. Musa Nyamasa Marwa, and Ohio Conference Administrative Assistant Judy King. |