
Webinar showcases new Bible storybook
The Shine Sunday school curriculum will soon have a new Bible storybook, The Peace Table. The Peace Table is the source of the Bible story for Shine’s elementary curriculum for 2023-26. Recently MennoMedia offered a webinar to overview the features of The Peace Table and its use in the curriculum. The webinar also explored how this book can help teachers…

Webinar to focus on reconnecting with families
“Where did they go? Reconnecting with kids and families” will be the theme of a webinar on Monday, May 16, at 7 p.m. hosted by Joan Daggett and Chrissie Muecke of the Shine Sunday school curriculum. COVID turned Sunday school on its head. After two years of isolation, families with youth and young children have been slow to re-engage in…

MC USA webinar offers ideas for children’s faith formation
By Ann Leaman Ohio Conference Resource Advocate How is your congregation handling faith formation for children during the COVID-19 pandemic? Are you seeking ideas for working with children? Mennonite Church USA is hosting a webinar titled “It can be done! Children’s Sunday school during COVID-19.” This webinar will take place Wednesday, Sept. 23, at 2:30 p.m. EDT. If you haven’t…

MennoMedia provides free resources
While gatherings are limited because of COVID-19, MennoMedia is providing free online resources. MennoMedia is offering a special issue of its daily devotional magazine, Rejoice!, as a free download from the MennoMedia website. The special publication, titled Rejoice! A Time Such as This: Reflections on COVID-19, was written, edited, and designed by individuals volunteering their time to contribute their gifts…