Service Project

ACA service project to benefit local ministries
As a service project at Annual Conference Assembly (ACA), Ohio Conference will be collecting items for Friendship House and Shepherd’s Circle, two organizations in the Archbold area that are working at sheltering people in crisis. Requested items include laundry detergent and four-packs of toilet tissue. ACA will take place March 4-5 at Zion Mennonite Church in Archbold. Have you registered…
Delegate News — Winter 2019 #3
ACA registration price increases after Feb. 15 We are looking forward to seeing you at the 2019 Annual Conference Assembly (ACA) on March 8-9 at Salem Mennonite Church in Kidron. Thanks to all who have already registered! The registration deadline for ACA is Feb. 15. The cost to register is $45 by Feb. 15, and $60 thereafter. There is an…
Delegate News – Winter 2018 #2
Service project to benefit trafficking victims We are looking forward to seeing you at Bluffton University next week for the Gathered and Sent Missional Conference March 8-9 and Annual Conference Assembly March 9-10. A reminder for all Annual Conference Assembly participants: This year for a service project, the Conference is collecting donations to benefit survivors of human trafficking through the…