Naomi Engle
OC leadership pays tribute to Naomi Engle
By Bob Sauder On behalf of the Ohio Conference Leadership Team Naomi Engle, Credentialing Ministry Chairperson and a member of the Leadership Team of the Ohio Conference, went to her heavenly home on Jan. 1. At the beginning of their meeting on Jan. 21, the Ohio Conference Leadership Team spent some time remembering who she was, what she brought to…
Remembering Naomi Engle: A tribute
By Regina Wenger Naomi sang. Her voice exhibited confidence and a rich tonality. It was the first thing I noticed when Naomi and I sang together in choir. We were both second sopranos, but it was clear which one of us was the superior vocalist. I’ve always had to work to distinguish harmonies, whereas Naomi exhibited a well-practiced ease at…